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Love Gestures!!!

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I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of love gestures....ways to show a guy that you love him without actually being blunt and saying "I Love You"



I want to tell this guy that I love him but I want to hint at it for right now, I don't want to blurt out those three words at this time.

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Anyway- hide notes for him saying you are thinking of him, miss him, what you like about him, etc...


Knowing he's on your mind that much should be a clue.


My BF loves when I do this-especially when I'm going out of town. The whole time I'm gone he finds reminders that I miss him too.

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I was in the same predicament until YESTERDAY! AHHHH I can't stop smiling lol.


Ok but seriously..I would just look him in the eyes..caress his cheeks.


I would go out of my way to do little things for him. Like he was struggling in business calculus so I spent all day finding him a tutor.


I would tell him things like

"I'm really happy with you" "Finally I found somebody I can be myself around"

Um what else....

I wouls kiss him really passionately...I would take him back to the past a little..

Like I would say "remember the first day we met who knew we would get so close..."


Lots of things.. get creative. Eventually it will just come out though! It happened to me lol he didnt really catch it though. But last night I finally heard the three words I was waiting for. I was going to say it already I couldnt take it anymore..


Why don't you want to say it now?

Your not promised tomorrow u know.. whats holding you back?

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how much you "love"certain things about him...I love your eyes, I love your hair, I love your smile, I love the way you kiss, etc....basically you'll be saying I love you without actually saying it, I guess.



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Thank you so much for the ideas, I love all of them! Can't wait to start using them hehe :)



Why don't you want to say it now?

We've been great friends for 6 months now and only started spending time together about a month and a half ago, we've spent 4 Sunday's together so far, so I don't really wanna just come out and say "I Love You" to him right now, I don't want to scare him off. So, I just want to throw hints and then work my way up to saying it to him.


Again....Thanx for the ideas :)

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if it were me...I'd say buy me a car to suggest you love me. However...buy me a house to really reinforce without question that you love me.



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loving touches are good, too:

* hold his hand

* kiss the top of his head or his forehead

* hugs

* back rubs


inside nicknames are kinda neat, too, because it shows that you've noticed something unique or appealing about him.


for my husband, it's "Blue Eyes" ... or "Stinky Boy" when I'm trying to hustle him into the shower and he's being too slow. amazingly enough, he responds to both!



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I've been given such loving nicknames as "stupid chink" or "little dick"...ah, those make my heart melt :confused:



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Originally posted by dudesomewhere

I've been given such loving nicknames as "stupid chink" or "little dick"...ah, those make my heart melt :confused:




:mad: Hope the door hit em where the Good Lord split em!

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I've seen someone on here recommend lovingyou.com for awesome ideas. I love the site. If you are in love, it's for you!

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if it were me...I'd say buy me a car to suggest you love me. However...buy me a house to really reinforce without question that you love me.

lol :) He's got a Jeep that he LOVES and his own home so...it might would work lol :)

Nah I wish I had that kind of money lol.



Hope the door hit em where the Good Lord split em!

I second that!



inside nicknames are kinda neat

hehe :) I call him "BrownEyes" he has amazing brown eyes that melt me....I also call him "Mr. Three Timer" but that's for sexual references lol *blushes*

He calls me "Darlin'" or "Babe" shewww makes my heart melt to hear his deep country voice say "Hey Darlin'" hehe



I've seen someone on here recommend lovingyou.com for awesome ideas

Thanx! I'll try it out.

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