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will he leave her

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This summer I met this guy he lives in California and I live in Iowa. We have been e-mailing each other ever since. He finally told me that he was has a wife but he caught her in bed with a woman. He didn't throw her out then, this was before he met me. He said he was planning on getting away from her. But he says that she won't let him leave. She wrote to me after her and her girlfriend read my letters to him. He had me looking at the price of houses and said that he had to wait for things to get better money wise. Now he sometimes says that he can't have me. But he can only promise me one week in July. When we met we did nothing more than kiss a lot. I'm wandering if he will ever leave her. He hasn't given me his street address or phone number. And recently he avoided answer the question- was he still planning on leaving his wife?. Then finally on the phone he did say yes but it will take time. What do you think he is up to and what should I do?

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He is up to no good and you should forget him.


This guy is jerking you around big time. Why would you let yourself get involved in such a mess? Life is just too short to get involved in this kind of drama, unless you are a well paid actress.


Would it be out of line for me to suggest you look for a nice guy in your area that you can see on a regular basis, hold hands with, go places with, etc.? If there aren't any available men worth a hoot in your area of Iowa, at least use some better judgement in the men you get involved with long distance.


If you do live in a small town, find out what ladies did around there to meet nice guys before telephones and the Internet.


The guy you are talking about here is a loser.

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This summer I met this guy he lives in California and I live in Iowa. We have been e-mailing each other ever since. He finally told me that he was has a wife but he caught her in bed with a woman. He didn't throw her out then, this was before he met me. He said he was planning on getting away from her. But he says that she won't let him leave. She wrote to me after her and her girlfriend read my letters to him. He had me looking at the price of houses and said that he had to wait for things to get better money wise. Now he sometimes says that he can't have me. But he can only promise me one week in July. When we met we did nothing more than kiss a lot. I'm wandering if he will ever leave her. He hasn't given me his street address or phone number. And recently he avoided answer the question- was he still planning on leaving his wife?. Then finally on the phone he did say yes but it will take time. What do you think he is up to and what should I do?

No, he won't.

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The fact that he didn't tell you he was married from the start is a warning sign that this is not an honest person and that you probably can't believe what he says. I mean, it is pretty lame that he says his wife won't let him leave, when she is the one cheating on him! Then he turns around and cheats on her, instead of resolving the situation in an up-front way. This is not the foundation of a good relationship with you.

This summer I met this guy he lives in California and I live in Iowa. We have been e-mailing each other ever since. He finally told me that he was has a wife but he caught her in bed with a woman. He didn't throw her out then, this was before he met me. He said he was planning on getting away from her. But he says that she won't let him leave. She wrote to me after her and her girlfriend read my letters to him. He had me looking at the price of houses and said that he had to wait for things to get better money wise. Now he sometimes says that he can't have me. But he can only promise me one week in July. When we met we did nothing more than kiss a lot. I'm wandering if he will ever leave her. He hasn't given me his street address or phone number. And recently he avoided answer the question- was he still planning on leaving his wife?. Then finally on the phone he did say yes but it will take time. What do you think he is up to and what should I do?
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