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Christian belief: God is not a "Genie"

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It amazes me how some people think that God should give them what they want or they won't believe in Him.


Praying to God is not meant to be demanding what one wants. God is not a genie, Santa Claus, or a wishing well.


Prayer requests are not supposed to be demands that God is required to fulfill. Rather, they are simply requests for God to answer how He wills.


When Jesus a long time ago taught his followers how to pray, he emphasized God's will, not ours.


Matthew 6 (I boldened some.)

Matthew 6 NIV - Giving to the Needy -


"7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9 “This, then, is how you should pray:

“‘Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

10 your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

11 Give us today our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts,

as we also have forgiven our debtors.

13 And lead us not into temptation,[a]

but deliver us from the evil one.[b]’


14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."



Most Christians consider God to be our Father in Heaven, our spiritual leader, not our personal genie. For Christians, prayer is not supposed to be a "gimme, gimme what I want" demand to God, but rather prayer is a means of asking according to God's will, and not just asking, but rather, praying in Christian beliefs includes the following:



1.Acknowledgement and faith in who God is (If you aren't serious in believing, don't pray.)




2. Worship of God and love for Him, having a personal relationship (He is our Heavenly Father)




3. Acknowledgement of one's shortcomings and of the desire to obey God, as well as action outside of prayer to obey God



4. Understanding that God will do what He wills and will answer our requests according to what His will is, not according to our demands.




5. Being thankful for what He gives, who He is, and what He does.



6. Loving other people




7. Understanding that the end result is not just life on earth.


I am curious. What leads some people to believe that God is simply a Being one can demand what one wants and that God has to obey that demand?


What in Christian beliefs causes people to have such an erroneous idea? Is it because of not studying the Bible or knowing people who love God no matter what happens to them?

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Great post.


I'd even add that many BELIEVERS think God is a genie. But God is the one who reserves the right to make you well, to make you sick, to give you wealth, or to give you little. He said that he made the blind and the lame; he said he sends riches and poverty.

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Perhaps it is the fall out from the Word of Faith "name it and caim it" movement whose pastors are a fixture on evangelical TV networks. However those posting here don't seem to have that undying faith that the WoF advocates will say is necessary for them to have supernatural events occur because it was asked in Jesus's name.

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We live in a society of, I want it when I want it, which is right now. Look at the debt on credit cards. No impulse control.


And God is to be the same way. If we ask for it give it to us right now.


Building a personal relationship with God isn't about what He gives us that our eyes can see it's about what He gives us that our eyes cannot see.


“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”


as0.gifJalal ad-Din Rumi

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I'm sure this post was for me right? Well I don't think god is a genie but I learned if you ask you shall receive so I asked I didn't receive now I'm confused as to what happened. I mean if God can take the time and energy to asker your request for a husband I'm sure that he could answer mine I definitely was a diligent prayer I was thankful I believed so I don't understand.

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We live in a society of, I want it when I want it, which is right now. Look at the debt on credit cards. No impulse control.




Fast food is like that too, yeah very good point. Many people today want something and want it "now!" They don't want to wait or trust in God's will.


And God is to be the same way. If we ask for it give it to us right now.
That isn't even realistic, is it? When I was a child, I knew that my requests were not always met instantaneously by my parents. Sometimes they even refused my requests! How dare they!(sarcasm) However, they knew more than I did and their answers of "Yes, but wait", "Maybe, we'll see" and "Nope, not in a million years" were reasonable, even though I didn't understand at the time.


Building a personal relationship with God isn't about what He gives us that our eyes can see it's about what He gives us that our eyes cannot see.
Awesome statement!
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”


as0.gifJalal ad-Din Rumi

That's deep. I'd like to meditate on that. :)
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I think what some people are failing to take into account is that God knows our hearts and what our future will be. He knows who will have unconditional faith and unconditional love for Him, and whose faith and love are fickle and weak, and will fall away easily. He rewards those who are faithful to Him, those who believe in Him, and those who are obedient to His word. What people also fail to understand is that God responds to prayer in His own time, not our time. If, for example, we ask Him for a boyfriend, a job, a child, or whatever, it will be when He thinks the time is right, not when we think it is. And we have to have patience for Him to respond. God sometimes tests our faith and our patience by making us wait for an answer to our prayer. I have experienced myself, so many times, God's answer to my prayers, and it was often just in the nick of time after He had tested my patience. I just experienced an answer to a prayer in the last two weeks that I have been praying for for months, and sure enough, in the nick of time, God responded. So what I'm saying is that YOUR belief and faith in Him has to be genuine and not fickle, your desire to follow His will has to be genuine and not fickle, and you have to have patience to receive His response. If you're not living in accordance with His will, if you reject His will and His guidance, and are defiantly doing your own thing with no desire or action to obey Him, it's not likely that He is going to be very receptive to your wishes.

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God is our heavenly father :) He desires to give us all good things, but often we are not ready for everything we ask for. If your child asks for something and you know it isn't good for them or its dangerous for them then you don't give it. It isn't to be cruel, it is out of love. :) When we refuse the request of one of our children, they often do not understand why "I hate you daddy" :p But that's b/c they don't see things the way we see them, from a bigger perspective.


I'm sure this post was for me right? Well I don't think god is a genie but I learned if you ask you shall receive so I asked I didn't receive now I'm confused as to what happened. I mean if God can take the time and energy to asker your request for a husband I'm sure that he could answer mine I definitely was a diligent prayer I was thankful I believed so I don't understand.


Ask and you shall receive refers to salvation. If you ask for salvation you will receive it. I see a lot of non-believers and "law of attraction" people use that line out of context.


When you talk about your friends getting everything they want, but why don't you. Please note, that people in these relationships are not always living the good life that their pics on social media would lead you to believe. A lot of relationships have strife. A lot of marriages end in divorce. It is better for us to wait on God's timing rather than to do things our way. One thing I have learned is that sin ALWAYS has consequences. No one is getting away with anything. Sin is pleasurable for a season, but the consequences are assured.


Well for you I would counsel that if your happiness is contingent upon a relationship with a flawed man (all men are sinners and have downfalls), then God is doing you a big favor by holding that back. I know that it is hard to accept. But think about it from the guys perspective. Is it fair for God to put a man in your life if you are in a place in which you are not mentally ready for a healthy relationship? Its not just about what you want, what about the guy you want? God has two people in mind when a relationship is involved. :)


PS: One thing I've learned from my married friends: Enjoy your single life. :p



Don't limit your happiness on finding a spouse. Enjoy you life right now, in it's current state. You have your health, your youth, and the world is yours for the taking. Live it :) We're here to support you :)

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God is our heavenly father :) He desires to give us all good things, but often we are not ready for everything we ask for. If your child asks for something and you know it isn't good for them or its dangerous for them then you don't give it. It isn't to be cruel, it is out of love. :) When we refuse the request of one of our children, they often do not understand why "I hate you daddy" :p But that's b/c they don't see things the way we see them, from a bigger perspective.




Ask and you shall receive refers to salvation. If you ask for salvation you will receive it. I see a lot of non-believers and "law of attraction" people use that line out of context.


When you talk about your friends getting everything they want, but why don't you. Please note, that people in these relationships are not always living the good life that their pics on social media would lead you to believe. A lot of relationships have strife. A lot of marriages end in divorce. It is better for us to wait on God's timing rather than to do things our way. One thing I have learned is that sin ALWAYS has consequences. No one is getting away with anything. Sin is pleasurable for a season, but the consequences are assured.


Well for you I would counsel that if your happiness is contingent upon a relationship with a flawed man (all men are sinners and have downfalls), then God is doing you a big favor by holding that back. I know that it is hard to accept. But think about it from the guys perspective. Is it fair for God to put a man in your life if you are in a place in which you are not mentally ready for a healthy relationship? Its not just about what you want, what about the guy you want? God has two people in mind when a relationship is involved. :)


PS: One thing I've learned from my married friends: Enjoy your single life. :p



Don't limit your happiness on finding a spouse. Enjoy you life right now, in it's current state. You have your health, your youth, and the world is yours for the taking. Live it :) We're here to support you :)


Thanks :) I'm super irrational I know lol I am just trying to not focus on a relationship so much I am in therapy and so I guess we will see what happens

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Thanks :) I'm super irrational I know lol I am just trying to not focus on a relationship so much I am in therapy and so I guess we will see what happens




I hear you. I know what it is to truly want someone to love. Keep working on yourself and NEVER be afraid to say how you really feel about stuff.. the good and the bad... but hang onto the good more, lol.


Jesus is right - Seek first the Kingdom and all else will be added unto you.


All the very best,

Take care,

Eve x

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Thanks :) I'm super irrational I know lol I am just trying to not focus on a relationship so much I am in therapy and so I guess we will see what happens


It's okay. We all go through tough times. We're here for you :)

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It's funny... but as an atheist I agree with every philosophy stated in this thread.


I don't think there is a Genie listening to my 'wishes' or prayers. But by acknowledging my wishes to myself and asking the universe to provide whatever I need, I am more open to everything.


It's exactly the same.

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It's funny... but as an atheist I agree with every philosophy stated in this thread.


I don't think there is a Genie listening to my 'wishes' or prayers. But by acknowledging my wishes to myself and asking the universe to provide whatever I need, I am more open to everything.


It's exactly the same.


And that's the great irony. Modern churches go to great lengths to sell the gospel and present it in an attractive, palatable way. Yet this turns away the TRUE seekers and lures in the people who have itching ears and hearts not open to God's Word.

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Thats funny. All Ive seen of people posting in these threads is people saying how God gave them what they wanted. Am I missing something? When religious people get money, a lover, a new job, a house, a car, any and everything. The first thing they do is thank God for answering thier prayers. God is a genie according to almost everybody on this forum.


I would term it more like being able to have silences when in a relationship and everything is still ok. There comes a point where you trust.


I have been in a relationship where I was the genie and it was pretty awful. He always wanted something from me and enough was never enough. When I said 'no' he did even try to get nasty. I hope you can you draw from my example some sense of what is being expressed on a higher level here.


Still, in all honesty you do sound a bit jaded. I hope it's a passing mood or something.


Take care,

Eve x

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That absolutely had nothing to do with what I said.


*Eve reads previous posts from the start*


Really? How not?


The postings accounted for periods where God did not answer prayer and a relationship continued. That is clear and my answer reflected this also.


Ah, unless you just wanted to chuck in a general, unrelated snidey comment because you felt like it? I took what you said partly as such and partly as an expression that the aim of prayer is to get prayers answered, offering the dynamic that trust builds over time - which becomes a dominant aspect of the relationship.




Take care,

Eve x

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So its snidey because you have no actual comment to what I posted. You have no answer for it and that makes you take a snotty defense to the question.


It's ok Blackgetsuga. I get you. ;)


Leave it at that.


Take care,

Eve x

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It amazes me how some people think that God should give them what they want or they won't believe in Him.


Praying to God is not meant to be demanding what one wants. God is not a genie, Santa Claus, or a wishing well.


Prayer requests are not supposed to be demands that God is required to fulfill. Rather, they are simply requests for God to answer how He wills.


When Jesus a long time ago taught his followers how to pray, he emphasized God's will, not ours.


Matthew 6 (I boldened some.)

Matthew 6 NIV - Giving to the Needy -


"7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9 “This, then, is how you should pray:

“‘Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

10 your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

11 Give us today our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts,

as we also have forgiven our debtors.

13 And lead us not into temptation,[a]

but deliver us from the evil one.[b]’


14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."



Most Christians consider God to be our Father in Heaven, our spiritual leader, not our personal genie. For Christians, prayer is not supposed to be a "gimme, gimme what I want" demand to God, but rather prayer is a means of asking according to God's will, and not just asking, but rather, praying in Christian beliefs includes the following:



1.Acknowledgement and faith in who God is (If you aren't serious in believing, don't pray.)




2. Worship of God and love for Him, having a personal relationship (He is our Heavenly Father)




3. Acknowledgement of one's shortcomings and of the desire to obey God, as well as action outside of prayer to obey God



4. Understanding that God will do what He wills and will answer our requests according to what His will is, not according to our demands.




5. Being thankful for what He gives, who He is, and what He does.



6. Loving other people




7. Understanding that the end result is not just life on earth.


I am curious. What leads some people to believe that God is simply a Being one can demand what one wants and that God has to obey that demand?


What in Christian beliefs causes people to have such an erroneous idea? Is it because of not studying the Bible or knowing people who love God no matter what happens to them?



god knows everything you dont need to ask him fro what you want he already knows.....in saying that i don't think another person should tell someone what to pray for or not to pray for....God decides and judges what is worthy and what is not.I ask god some stupid ass questions that i require answers for....sometimes i get them, sometimes his line is busy......or he is rolling around laughing one of the above



sometimes i forget to thank him sometimes i forget the words when i pray....doesnt matter to him.......he knows my heart and he has saved me.....me.....little old me.....stupid asking questions me..... goofy me....big hearted hopeful me.......whether or not someone believes in him is irrelevant......why? because he believes in everybody whether or not they pray ,whether they ask stupid ass questions whether they ask him for things they want or need,whether they sin, whether they are upstanding and devout.....we are numbered every hair on our head is numbered says nothing about prayers does it.......Are you saying that you have been told how to pray and do so correctly and dont throw stones in glass houses???


You just threw a stone im pelting it back you way with a hug......have a great day....Be as a child in thought and deed....get stoopid a little......deb

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I prayed for years without demanding. I've expressed so much gratitude over certain things, that I'm sure I got on some peoples' nerves, but it was honest appreciation.


This is what I mean about assumptions made when it comes to non-believers, or those who aren't sure. I'm fickle now - I admit it. I'm bitter at times, depressed as hell, but still getting out of bed, getting into the shower, and trying. It isn't lost on me, that I know two women who have lost children in recent years - one being my aunt, who I will see again this evening - and they appear to be doing better than I am. I feel selfish and humbled, but still pissed and bitter, if that makes sense. They both have other children that they feel driven to be here for, and one is married to the love of her life. she also knows what her purpose is here.


I don't - I used to think that I did, but I am dealing with strong anxiety issues that were reloaded/brought up again, and I'm not handling them nearly as graciously as I did when I was younger.

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I hear you. I know what it is to truly want someone to love. Keep working on yourself and NEVER be afraid to say how you really feel about stuff.. the good and the bad... but hang onto the good more, lol.


Jesus is right - Seek first the Kingdom and all else will be added unto you.


All the very best,

Take care,

Eve x


Eve, it's so nice to see you again! ♥

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I prayed for years without demanding. I've expressed so much gratitude over certain things, that I'm sure I got on some peoples' nerves, but it was honest appreciation.


This is what I mean about assumptions made when it comes to non-believers, or those who aren't sure. I'm fickle now - I admit it. I'm bitter at times, depressed as hell, but still getting out of bed, getting into the shower, and trying. It isn't lost on me, that I know two women who have lost children in recent years - one being my aunt, who I will see again this evening - and they appear to be doing better than I am. I feel selfish and humbled, but still pissed and bitter, if that makes sense. They both have other children that they feel driven to be here for, and one is married to the love of her life. she also knows what her purpose is here.


I don't - I used to think that I did, but I am dealing with strong anxiety issues that were reloaded/brought up again, and I'm not handling them nearly as graciously as I did when I was younger.


So basically you are saying you are human yay you accept you are human and you really dont want to be anything but human yay again.....hugs to ya anela.....deb

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Thats funny. All Ive seen of people posting in these threads is people saying how God gave them what they wanted. Am I missing something? When religious people get money, a lover, a new job, a house, a car, any and everything. The first thing they do is thank God for answering thier prayers. God is a genie according to almost everybody on this forum.


Hey BG, glad to see you posting again.


Let me ask, when a genie grants someone their three wishes does the genie say "no, that isn't a good thing for you to have right now" or does he grant it regardless?

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Also, I still express gratitude. I feel lucky to have a roof over my head, to have food to eat, hot tea, access to long, hot showers, my garden, the woods behind the garden, good people in the world that I get to interact with. My parents are still alive (but I worry about how long for - one of my big fears recently).

When I was feeling suicidal (which I still feel at times), December 2010, I was in a hot bath and then thought of all of the people who could be out on the streets, freezing to death.


I am very much aware of what people have to deal with. I still have fears and anxieties of my own, that were rooted in me in childhood, and I've been surrounded by loss for a couple of years now. I've also been dealing with health problems, and much of the time, I feel scared stiff of what might happen next.

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Matthew 6:31-32


Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.




Philippians 4:19


And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.




Matthew 7:11


If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!




James 4:1-2


What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask.




I was also constantly taught in Church that God gives you what you need.

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Ok. You cant answer my question. Thats fine.


I did - but my colloquial effort was not good enough for you and that's ok. You were not feeling me at all.


You have given me opportunity to explain further, I did and that did not work either. So, lets leave it at that.


Anyhow, I scanned your back posts and now understand why you said what you did. That is the end of the mystery for me.


Take care,

Eve x

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I prayed for years without demanding. I've expressed so much gratitude over certain things, that I'm sure I got on some peoples' nerves, but it was honest appreciation.


This is what I mean about assumptions made when it comes to non-believers, or those who aren't sure. I'm fickle now - I admit it. I'm bitter at times, depressed as hell, but still getting out of bed, getting into the shower, and trying. It isn't lost on me, that I know two women who have lost children in recent years - one being my aunt, who I will see again this evening - and they appear to be doing better than I am. I feel selfish and humbled, but still pissed and bitter, if that makes sense. They both have other children that they feel driven to be here for, and one is married to the love of her life. she also knows what her purpose is here.


I don't - I used to think that I did, but I am dealing with strong anxiety issues that were reloaded/brought up again, and I'm not handling them nearly as graciously as I did when I was younger.


Thanks for the welcome back.


Anela, I have had marvelously dramatic bust ups with God over the years, so get where you are coming from. Can't tell you how pissed I was at times! I think things calmed down for me when my career took off but that bought more problems. Finding my Husband was certainly a highlight but his ex wife tried hard to ruin our lives for a long time. She is seriously fortunate that I am a Christian, otherwise I would be doing time now, lol.


Looking back I think I went through a chastening period and I was quite angry because I did not want that to happen. Now? I think it is all part of a greater process. Resting on reasons why God loves me and all that settled me in the end because all and all.. I don't think the problems do stop. But a new strength does grow. Faith is a seed. The biggest hurdle I had to jump was learning how to be patient.


Sorry to hear about your Aunts losing children.


Take care,

Eve x

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