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Should I wait?

Christie #1

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OK, now I know I'm driving everybody crazy with this guy's story but I'm really lost and I need some advice.


This guy came back to town and now I had a face to face talk with him.(the whole relationship started long distance and his girlfriend went psycho while he was there--she lives in his neighborhood--and the whole deal with me also ended(?) long distance) Anyway, I had a talk with him and he's still confused because he's saying that he doesn't know how he feels about me anymore. I mean, he has emotions for me but he feels guilty about it because apparently those emotions hurt his ex and he didn't expect that. He thought that he and his ex mutually broke up and he had this idealized image of them still being best friends...he was shocked that she was hurting. Did I mention that he and his ex where together 4 years and that was his first and only relationship...they were highschool sweethearts. He's only 20 now and I know he's going through a growing up phase, but today after the talk, he went on a road trip to sort things out. He did say that he's not getting back with his ex for sure because he knows that they were not meant to be...they just had nothing in common, but since they practically grew up together, he still has strong emotions for her. The problem is what he feels about me. Due to this whole confusion, he doesn't know how he feels about me anymore. I know he doesn't feel romantic toward me RIGHT NOW...should I stay friends with him and wait? or should I just forget about him and move on...or should I stay friends and just move on...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


I'm so confused because if I become friends with him and I have no hope in the future being with him...it would be sheer toture!


What should I do?!?!!

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My dear what your friend is trying to do is fill the space that he missing with his girlfriend. There is nothing wrong with being friends with him but leave at that your time will come your true love will come to you when you need the least and then you will feel it in your heart and you will know that this is the one for you

OK, now I know I'm driving everybody crazy with this guy's story but I'm really lost and I need some advice. This guy came back to town and now I had a face to face talk with him.(the whole relationship started long distance and his girlfriend went psycho while he was there--she lives in his neighborhood--and the whole deal with me also ended(?) long distance) Anyway, I had a talk with him and he's still confused because he's saying that he doesn't know how he feels about me anymore. I mean, he has emotions for me but he feels guilty about it because apparently those emotions hurt his ex and he didn't expect that. He thought that he and his ex mutually broke up and he had this idealized image of them still being best friends...he was shocked that she was hurting. Did I mention that he and his ex where together 4 years and that was his first and only relationship...they were highschool sweethearts. He's only 20 now and I know he's going through a growing up phase, but today after the talk, he went on a road trip to sort things out. He did say that he's not getting back with his ex for sure because he knows that they were not meant to be...they just had nothing in common, but since they practically grew up together, he still has strong emotions for her. The problem is what he feels about me. Due to this whole confusion, he doesn't know how he feels about me anymore. I know he doesn't feel romantic toward me RIGHT NOW...should I stay friends with him and wait? or should I just forget about him and move on...or should I stay friends and just move on...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


I'm so confused because if I become friends with him and I have no hope in the future being with him...it would be sheer toture!


What should I do?!?!!

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OK, now I know I'm driving everybody crazy with this guy's story but I'm really lost and I need some advice.


try to stop thinking about it. You should never try to find yourself in a situation like this because almost all men are dogs and you never know who to trust. Its better if you stick with your friendship then go and ruin and feel uncomfortable. If you do tell him your feelings your relationship most likely won't be the same. So stay with what you have got know before you lose it!!

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