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Would I be considered attractive?

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Well, this is all related...people strive to "attain" the most attractive person they can, but eventually there comes a time when they have to face the reality of their own attractiveness and how others want the most attractive person they can get...so the people who "aren't concerned with looks" tend to be those who have relegated themselves to the lower echelons of attractiveness, where looks are generally not people's strong points.


That's not necessarily true at all. I know people who have married those WAY lower than they could have gotten lookswise.


EVEN I DON'T THINK everybody is THAT MUCH about looks, as pessimistic as I am.


What I was more trying to say is that there comes a floor where almost nobody finds you initially physically attractive, no matter how unattractive they are themselves. So, at that point, if you have a good personality, you have just as good a chance at landing a decently attractive woman who doesn't value looks as a less attractive woman who values looks more.


I'm probably good evidence of that. Objectively, I'm probably more like a 3.:lmao:


My GFs have been at least 5s, probably closer to 6. None of them really liked me for my looks.

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No offence, but I can't stand it when a woman calls me cute.


What's wrong with cute? I've been called cute before. And not like a mom would call her son handsome/cute. When I dropped off a girl I went out with a few times when I was 19 she said "X you're sooo cute". That wasn't code for I'm not interested I can assure you that.

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What is with all these numbers? where did they come from? (seriously) is there a scale one can purchase? or do I have to see a professional?.


I mean really people, 2, 5, 7 any random number you want to throw out, but in actuality, it doesn't mean much if anything. Fair enough, critique the guy's looks and help him improve to become more attractive to the opposite sex, but these numbers are ridiculous and I've never heard anyone use them in RL. The internet is weird man :s

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What is with all these numbers? where did they come from? (seriously) is there a scale one can purchase? or do I have to see a professional?.


mean really people, 2, 5, 7 any random number you want to throw out, but in actuality, it doesn't mean much if anything. Fair enough, critique the guy's looks and help him improve to become more attractive to the opposite sex, but these numbers are ridiculous and I've never heard anyone use them in RL. The internet is weird man :s


I think scales are too small. 1 to 10? Hell no...that gives me nothing to work with. Looks scales should be 1 to 1,000,000 at the least.


I would say op is a 621,738. With a haircut and losing the black shirt underneath the flannel...he could be a 698,627.

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I think scales are too small. 1 to 10? Hell no...that gives me nothing to work with. Looks scales should be 1 to 1,000,000 at the least.


I would say op is a 621,738. With a haircut and losing the black shirt underneath the flannel...he could be a 698,627.


I think people tend to get too wrapped up in the numbers and get all butt hurt about it. A number "rating scale" is nothing more than a simple way to communicate a relative level of attractiveness in the eyes of that person and nothing more. Sure, one person's 5 may be another person's 7. So what, that's fine. It's just a way for someone to communicate that a person is relatively average in his mind. And I do think it means something. It shows on a relative scale how attractive someone is to a particular person. It may not reflect what you believe, but to say it's meaningless is a bit ignorant.


I don't know why we get so bent out of shape about numbers. It's no different from using words...it's still a way of communicating how attractive we find someone. Me saying someone is extremely attractive to me is synonymous with saying she's a "10." Or KungFuJoe saying she's a 1,000,000. So why are words ok but not numbers...?

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