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What is wrong with me?

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Hey guys, thanks in advance for bothering to even look at my post.


So I have been hooking up with a girl on and off for about a year. During this time, I intentionally remained completely emotionally detached. About two weeks ago, we started actually going out and spending time together - she is now my girlfriend. I haven't been in a real relationship for about 3 years; I broke it off abruptly with the last one because I just couldn't stop weird thoughts about her cheating and whatnot from popping into my mind for no reason at all. It made me super anxious. I simply couldn't stand being attached or emotionally connected to someone. So I finally thought I'd give it a shot again with this new girl, who I really like. But again, after only two weeks, I'm getting these weird thoughts and am getting super anxious - just working myself up for no reason at all. Getting crazy knots in my stomach whenever I think about her. What the hell is wrong with me? It's like I simply cannot be emotionally connected with someone.

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