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how to approach girl I like


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Hi all wondering if anyone can offer me some advice ? basically I have posted before but a friend at work asked me what I thought about me and her getting together. However I sort of played it down as I've some concerns that she didn't really mean it and she is using me as rebound. Now since then its been bugging me and I want to tell her how I really feel. But she hasn't mentioned it since and nor have I. Can anyone suggest how to bring this up with her in a way I can gauge her feelings?

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i'd suggest not bringing it up at all. she might be a bit embarrassed that it was her drink speaking on her behalf.


ps, you could have appended this enquiry onto the other thread.

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you shouldn't tell her what you feel. that's a really stupid thing to do.


Just ask her 'you wanna grab a coffee sometime?'


I recently asked this girl who works next door. She said sure and it was simple as that.


If she comes out, talk about random things and plan for next hangout 'oh you like doing that too? well we should do that sometime'

If she says, she will let you know, then you know the answer. leave at that.

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Grab your balls, chin up, chest out, go up to her and smile.


"Hey, how's your day going? Good to hear... listen, I have to go do something but I'd like to talk to you more. Would you like to go for coffee sometime?"


Yes - Sounds good, here's my #, let me know when you're free. (You left the ball in her court and you'll know she's interested if she contacts you.)


No - Be a man and take rejection as an adult. Smile and say "understandable, have a good day". DO NOT lose confidence. Every men has experienced being turned down, so did women.

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Thanks for advice basically I did the cardinal sin and text her. Unfortunately I got the old 'its not a no but its not the right time' so since then I have basically been a man about it and not asked her again or discussed it but have remained friendly. Oh and to add salt to the wound she told me she went on a date with some guy! Thanks for that ha ha oh well plenty more fish thanks for advice though people

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