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Tony and Mitch


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I posted before about a guy at work I liked (burger king) and so I took a mixture of your advice and I wrote him a note... I was working the night and it was his birthday the loser worked on his birthday... so I wrote him a note saying happy birthday and about this GREAT movie I REALLY wanted to see and how none of my friends would see it because it was a british movie and stuff like that then I casually added I don't suppose YOUD WANT TO COME.. HINT HINT (mitchs advice)


but the whole time acting aloof in person like acting like Im too busy to pay attention to him... but still saying his and stuff (Tonys advice )


anyways I basically left the ball in his court because I wanted to give him an out just incase Im dead wrong and hes not interested I didn't want to make things akward for him and stuff...


I I said


just let me know Im here all week


I taped it to the wall across from the mirror in the guys change room.... hes vain as hell for how shy he is but hes ##### cute so its okay I figured he can't miss it because hed see it bright yellow in the reflection and that way no one else like mr nosy boss would read it


it was gone when I came in to work that night and no one said anything about it so I new he HAD to of got it...


that night he came through driv thru druing a rush.. his brother was driving so he said the orders and everything he payed and everything


the dumb guy never said a WORD TO ME!!he just sat there grining like a dumbass when I leaned out the window to hand out the food he waved at me you know like a circus clown or one of those people dressed up in big costumes that hug little kids


what kind of weirdo waves at someone thats two feet away from them


so yeah


I just said um HI


But I was nervous as hell and sweating like crazy I kind of just wanted him to go away so I could sit down I thought my legs were gonna give out I was like shaking but then he drove off and that was that...




tell me this


what the HELL does that even mean??


should I just GIVE up now??


its SOO frusterating and I don't know.. maybe Im imagining it and hes just hopped up on goof balls...


like what the hell do I do now??

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FIND ANOTHER GUY. If I thought this guy was just not interested in you, I'd tell you that.


That's not the case. He's a DORK, and a LOSER, DORK being the better description. Yeak, what you did took guts, and I commend you for that. My guess why he went through the drive-thru is that he wanted to show you to his idiot brother.


Then I bet he went home and j##ked-**f about you, because he doesn't have the strength of character to actually approach you, and spend time with you. He probably has no idea whatsoever how to be around a girl. Do you want somebody as much of a TOOL as him?


I'd write him off in a heartbeat, my friend. This guy s*cks!!


But I certainly commend you for taking the initiative. Good work. Any guy worth your time would pick up on your cues, and take a hint.


Goo Luck, you'll do just fine!



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I'm afraid this is one you need to let go. For some reason you two just can't make the most basic of connections.


Who knows... keep the friendship thing going and someday you may mature into a nice friendship that can handle love. Just don't go wasting any more wishes in his idle pond right now.

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okay so he came in again for like an hour I tried to keep busy because I was really embaressed and umm I don't know I couldn't bring myself to talk to him


so he stayed for about an hour talking to everyone else not that I completly ingnored him but I didn't talk to him alone or anything and then all of a sudden he was gone


but I found a note


saying how he would love to see the movie with me and he goes on about all his favourite movies and stuff then says well Ill shut up now


thanks for remembering my birthday


so I dunno....I think were both too scared of eachother to make it work


so does ANYONE have any ideas on how to make me get some GUTS??!!


Im just not ready to give it up yet... its been 6 months already but it does seem to be GOING somewhere....

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OK...so take the damn hint, he said he wants to go to the movies with you, SO GO!!!!


I'm telling you once and for all:


The very next time you see him, ask him if he wants to go see that movie.


He goes, you got him.


He wusses out, or acts like a dork, forget him.



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OK...so take the damn hint, he said he wants to go to the movies with you, SO GO!!!! I'm telling you once and for all: The very next time you see him, ask him if he wants to go see that movie. He goes, you got him. He wusses out, or acts like a dork, forget him. END OF STORY.

Exactly what Paulie said.



so does ANYONE have any ideas on how to make me get some GUTS??!!

Repeat this process as necessary. Practice, practice, practice.


Remember this the next time a guy asks you out too BTW, for the sake of guys everywhere.


It's tough the first bunch of times isn't it!




Eventually I've found that I've reached a point where I "just don't give a damn."


Maybe that's really what people refer to as "guts", I don't know.


That is, the risk of doing nothing is actually higher than the risk of doing something.


Sometimes things work, sometimes they don't.


That's the way this little game is played.




I find it REALLY ironic that Tony doesn't have an opinion here.


Yoo hoo, Tony??!! Adonde esta usted?

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Exactly what Paulie said. Also: Repeat this process as necessary. Practice, practice, practice. Remember this the next time a guy asks you out too BTW, for the sake of guys everywhere.


It's tough the first bunch of times isn't it! ------- Eventually I've found that I've reached a point where I "just don't give a damn."


Maybe that's really what people refer to as "guts", I don't know. That is, the risk of doing nothing is actually higher than the risk of doing something. Sometimes things work, sometimes they don't.


That's the way this little game is played.


Also: I find it REALLY ironic that Tony doesn't have an opinion here. Yoo hoo, Tony??!! Adonde esta usted?

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