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Signs that he's in love


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What are some signs that my guy may be in love with me? Guys if you could let me know what you do when you fall in love with someone./ thanks

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He says "Omg Alicia your ass is so hot! Let's f***k!"


No, but seriously. Man's realm is ACTION. So if he likes you, he'll invite you to do shyt with him. If he's effiminate, he'll want to do effiminate things with you... like talk for 3 hours on the phone and exhaust REAL LIFE conversation.

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The BIGGEST indicator is that he wants to spend time with you. Does he give you 1-word replies in conversations or does he try to be imaginative? Basically it's about how much effort someone's willing to put in for you. A lot of wussy guys out there will also compliment you, so listen for those. I'm not saying he's a wuss, but most men are clueless as to how to convey their desire for a woman.



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He willingly sacrifies his happiness for your happiness. Like going shopping with you, even though he hates shopping. Or turns down his friends to be with you.

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If he's effiminate, he'll want to do effiminate things with you... like talk for 3 hours on the phone and exhaust REAL LIFE conversation.


No, that just means he's intelligent and capable of conducting a sustained discourse.

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I believe not every guy are able to talk for hours..

Some people are naturally more attention paying rather than talking..

try to see if he often gaze at you..

especially if you are in a group of peoples..

bcoz if he likes you enough in a special way he's try to pay attention or stay close to you..

That's my theory but it doesn't apply to all guys though



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Originally posted by moimeme

If he's effiminate, he'll want to do effiminate things with you... like talk for 3 hours on the phone and exhaust REAL LIFE conversation.


No, that just means he's intelligent and capable of conducting a sustained discourse.

You're both wrong--it means that he doesn't pay his own phone bill.

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Does he remembers the small things that you say. If he pays this much attention to you, than he obviously likes you a lot if not is in love.

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Summer Love

Well, I have been dating my BF for about 5 months now, almost 6. I know he likes me a lot, but whether or not he loves me is a whole different question. But for me, I know he cares by the way he touches me, caresses me, etc. And although he is generally not a serious person, ie. he's quite the comedian, just thinking about hte way he looks at me makes me all warm and fuzzy. It's the little things he does that let me know he cares...that is what matters most!

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