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women, do men still want you in your 30s?


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Sure. Men in their 40s find women in their 40s attractive.


But you have to understand the context of the OP.


Anytime a guy asks this question, what he is really saying is...


"I'm tired of chasing women and trying to impress and charm them, and it not working out. Will there ever be an age where I don't have to compete with a dozen other d@uchebags for any halfway decent looking female? When will it even out? Women have tons of options, and I have none."


And the answer is IMO ... once most women hit their 40s, they will still be attractive, but no longer generate the sexual lust that makes dozens of guys chase after them.


Perhaps in my 40s, I will meet a woman who I think is cool and beautiful but I won't have to compete with every Tom, Dick, and Harry for her because the pool of singles is smaller and she no longer generates the sexual lust to have dozens of guys wanting her at the same time.


I'm almost there anyway...

If you pay attention to my username is says MISSjoness. I am not a guy. I am a woman in her late 20s
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I have friends in their thirties that are very attractive. They have no less options than girls in twenties. Women who don't take care of their bodies, drink and smoke will age worse though specially if they're white. For them I'm sure they will experience much less interest from men.

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For every man who thinks like our resident boneheads (women 30 or older are ugly) there is a man who doesn't want to deal with the immaturity and naivety of women under 30


*****Just generally speaking there because I know plenty of women under 30 who do not fit that last part.....my wife being one of them.


My point being that women over 30 are still very much attractive.

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So .. then women will always have many guys chasing after them, and the guys who have nobody chasing them will always be the ones that lose out until the day they die.


Good to know!! :bunny:


Men will always be interested in an attractive, vital, in shape woman of any age.


That doesn't mean women "win" and men "lose". Finding a lasting partner is difficult for people of both sexes. But neither men nor women "age out" of the process. Just last week, I heard of a wedding being planned for a man and woman both in their 70s! :bunny:

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I noticed on facebook my ex at 30 looked early 20's. However in the past 5 years she did show some signs of aging, but still looked maybe late twenties or 30 at most. Still very good for her age and having kids. Something about older women is hot though.


Women in their 30s look alright, all depending on whether they have kids or not. I can't, however, imagine many men pining after them, unless you're refering to younger men, the same with older men pining for younger women since older men (30s and up) don't normally pine for older.

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Plenty of women in their 30s and 40s look attractive. To me if you take care of your body man or woman it will show as you get older. Love your body and it will love you back.

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to the women in their 30s do you still have as many men chasing after you as you did in your 20s? do you still look just as young?? be honest


Ha Ha Ha. I'm 41 and can't stand women in their 20's. They are so immature and have such little life experience. I date mostly women in their 30's and they often have their Masters degree, making 50-80k a year. They can afford nice clothes, to get their hair done every 6 weeks, to travel. I would agree with you on one point - don't let yourself go. 20 somethings usually always look good because they are just a few years past 18. Everyone has nice hair, nice skin and is often skinny, even though they eat like crap.


If you want guys chasing you well past your 20's, don't let yourself go and gain 70 pounds, or stop getting your hair done etc. I see so many women get married, get content and focus only on the kids, then divorce after 10 years and try to back on the market with frizzy hair, no style and a bunch of extra weight.

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I have friends in their thirties that are very attractive. They have no less options than girls in twenties. Women who don't take care of their bodies, drink and smoke will age worse though specially if they're white. For them I'm sure they will experience much less interest from men.

Where I live, a lot of the English women smoke a LOT of cigarettes and drink too much - they get to 35 and they look haggered. Lot of women of other heritage are now starting to have the same problem too.


My mum is in her 50s and looks younger than most of them :laugh:.

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Negative Nancy
White women age worse than Asian and Black women and Latina women are somewhere in the middle.


And yet white women overall are more desired and sought after than Asian and Black women :eek:...at least that's what we hear on here.


I do see SOME women in their 40s that I think are attractive


Some can even be attractive in their late 50s / early 60s.




(She is 59, I think.)

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Where I live, a lot of the English women smoke a LOT of cigarettes and drink too much - they get to 35 and they look haggered. Lot of women of other heritage are now starting to have the same problem too.


My mum is in her 50s and looks younger than most of them :laugh:.


That kind of stuff will age a person faster than anything. Look at Lindsey Lohan. She looks older than her mother.


My wife never smoked, did hard drugs and she only drinks socially and it shows. Clean living pays off eventually.

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Where I live, a lot of the English women smoke a LOT of cigarettes and drink too much - they get to 35 and they look haggered. Lot of women of other heritage are now starting to have the same problem too.


My mum is in her 50s and looks younger than most of them :laugh:.


Black women age unbelievably good. My jaw is always dropped when I hear their ages. White people are the worst so they better not abuse their bodies. I recently was on a vacation with European girls who were like 8 9 years younger tHan me and they looked rather my age or even a bit older. Tons of tanning and drinking.

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Re: signs of aging. Of course I look older. I'm human. Humans age. Am I less attractive as a result? I'd say all signs point to: no, looking older does not make me less attractive.


That's an important point.


Women don't have to pass for 20 to be attractive. An attractive woman at 40 is an attractive woman.


The photo of Christie Brinkley is a good example. She's 59, and gorgeous, but she doesn't look 20! A 59 year old man might think he'd died and gone to heaven with her on his arm, but a 25 year old probably wouldn't be interested.

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Most men in their 40s make due because they can't afford girls in their 20s


Don't kid yourself.


Actually women in their 20s are easier to date when you're older, maturer than most because men in their 20s still refuse to grow up. But I will say that it works better for men in their 30s into their early 40s in how to attract the younger dames simply because of charm. I seem to have no problem with it and I'm now 34 and can attract as young as 16. :laugh:

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That's an important point.


Women don't have to pass for 20 to be attractive. An attractive woman at 40 is an attractive woman.


The photo of Christie Brinkley is a good example. She's 59, and gorgeous, but she doesn't look 20! A 59 year old man might think he'd died and gone to heaven with her on his arm, but a 25 year old probably wouldn't be interested.

Brilliantly put. You can look your age and still be attractive.

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And yet white women overall are more desired and sought after than Asian and Black women :eek:...at least that's what we hear on here.




Some can even be attractive in their late 50s / early 60s.




(She is 59, I think.)

that's not true. a lot of men pursue black women. most of the people who post on these forums are usually rejects anyway

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Men will always be interested in an attractive, vital, in shape woman of any age.


That doesn't mean women "win" and men "lose". Finding a lasting partner is difficult for people of both sexes. But neither men nor women "age out" of the process. Just last week, I heard of a wedding being planned for a man and woman both in their 70s! :bunny:


No, you're right. I agree it's silly to make it about gender.


Attractive people win and unattractive people lose.



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Actually women in their 20s are easier to date when you're older, maturer than most because men in their 20s still refuse to grow up. But I will say that it works better for men in their 30s into their early 40s in how to attract the younger dames simply because of charm. I seem to have no problem with it and I'm now 34 and can attract as young as 16. :laugh:


This must be a joke. In your case, 16 year olds aren't attracted to you cause you seem mature, the exact opposite actually. Because your maturity matches with them.

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Black women age unbelievably good. My jaw is always dropped when I hear their ages. White people are the worst so they better not abuse their bodies. I recently was on a vacation with European girls who were like 8 9 years younger tHan me and they looked rather my age or even a bit older. Tons of tanning and drinking.


I think there are variables that contribute to that also. My mum is generally a person who at least tries to be positive, and it shows, she looks happier. Same with my father - in his 50s and looks very healthy. He's starting to look his age but he does well. And they both smoked (well, it was weed not cigarette). A lot of people who age quickly are people that stress easily, combined with the masses of drink, smoke and drugs. I've met quite a few white women who looked very well for their age, and it usually comes across that they don't abuse drink/drugs AND they are generally quite positive people in some aspect of their lives.

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This must be a joke. In your case, 16 year olds aren't attracted to you cause you seem mature, the exact opposite actually. Because your maturity matches with them.


Totally untrue because I attract women from ages 16-40 so it's my charm that's getting the job done. I just choose to go younger so stop hating. :laugh:

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so do you think there is a huge diff in appearance between a 21 year old woman and a 27 year old??


Actually no. I've met a lot of 27 year old women who look 21, and vice versa.


If there is a difference, it's usually in their body. 21 year old women still have a lot of features from their teens that are still there. When a woman is in her late 20s, her body gets fuller, curvier, more adult-like. Very attractive to me :love:.

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Women reach their most desireable to me in their 30s (as a gross generality). Ya just want 'em when they have lost any look of some late teen growth spurt and they have settled into their bones.

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Totally untrue because I attract women from ages 16-40 so it's my charm that's getting the job done. I just choose to go younger so stop hating. :laugh:


I've read enough of your posts and i've seen the maturity of a carrot. So sorry, it just does not compute.

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It depends on the woman. When I was in my mid 20's I dated a 30 year old woman. She didn't look 30(she was white btw) and I thought she was closer to my age at first. Now that I'm getting closer to 30 I see the attraction of some women in their 30s.


That being said it's combination of how you as a woman view yourself and how you look. I know you won't look like a girl that just turned 18 but in the same sense take care of yourself physically and try not to look like grandma but keep true to the maturity of your age.

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to the women in their 30s do you still have as many men chasing after you as you did in your 20s? do you still look just as young?? be honest


I'm in my 30s, and the answer is yes, I still get interest from plenty of men, maybe even more than I got in my 20s.


I can still get really young guys, also. Life is good for me, I'll admit it. But I work for it, I think. I work out constantly, don't eat too much, and keep good hygiene.


To answer whether I still look "as young" as in my 20s. Very close to it. I think I'm slightly heavier, but I still qualify as thin because I was extremely thin in my 20s, and now I'm just thin. I'm sure if someone took a magnifying glass to my face, they could point out ways in which I look older or there are more lines, pores a bit more open. But from pictures and just a quick look, I look very much the same.


One thing on me that I do think looks "old" compared to the rest of my appearance is my hands. My hands are looking ugly in the past couple of years. But I'm happy with the rest of my rate of aging; it's not very noticeable at all.

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