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this is kinda weird

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what's up everyone, I saw this site bookmarked on my


girlfriend's computer..i'm not sure if it's for certain


people or you ahve to subscribe or something..but i


was reading the first few entries, i'm hoping i could get


some advice from you fellas.


it's a pretty weird situation, and it's been bugging me


lately, although i might not have anything to worry about.


the thing is, my best friend (male) and my girlfriend are


very close and friendly with each other. he has his own


girlfriend, who happens to be my gf's friend as well. but


whenever the 4 of us hang out, it always seems like my


gf and her bf are a couple instead. i've always been


pretty comfortable with them hugging and stuff, they've been


best friends forever. he was the one that introduced me


to her, and my gf was the one who introduced him to his gf.


but lately, their hugs and grabbing have been bothering me


for some reason. i'm crazy about her and i wanna marry her one day; my best friend's crazy about his girlfriend too and he wants to marry her within 2 yrs.


so it's pretty serious.


we're always teasing and making fun of each other, and we


take it all in stride; but the other night we were all laying around, there was a joke on leno about sex


or something, and i thought i saw the two of them exchange


glances. i know i probably sound crazy, but i don't know.


thigns don't feel right. am i jumping to conclusions? maybe i'm getting worried about things getting sreious and am looking for a way out? hwat do you guys feel about your


girl being that toucy-feely with your best friend? how can


i get over it?

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Read the post a little more than 1/2 of the way down, entitled "oops...where'd that bj come from," by lara


Is that by any chance your girl?

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I think Lara is your girlfriend and something did happen. I think you let all that cuddling with each other go too far. Long before it reached the sex stage you could have let her know that you have boundaries.


If you read her post, you will see that she has no remorse or guilt about it at all. Hey, BJs happen!

I just re-read your post, and then Lara's post down below. Looks pretty suspect!! Let us know what happens!!!
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@#(%*#$(!@$ holy crap


that post by lara is DEFINITELY my girlfriend...why? cause her freakin' name is lara!


i'm sitting here at work and i decided to load this site up and see the replies..i'm so glad i'm at work, that my secretary and employees are right outside the door. this way i have control of myself, i can't smash the monitor..


OHHHH EVEN THOUGH I WANT TO...God help me please.


ok i kicked a chair, threw some stuff around, broke a picture frame and a mug. i feel a little better. actually no...


..it feels like i've been punched in the stomach by my best friend, slapped in the face by lara.


this is the weirdest friggin thing i've ever encountered, the LAST thing i expected to see...the last imaginable way i would expect to find out about something like this.


this is just too crazy


my secretary is looking at me weird cause i'm sitting here clinching and unclinching my fists.


what to do...what to do..she's on a trip..won't be back till the end of the week. should i call her and confront her on the phone? i CANT WAIT to see my supposedly best friend at the gym this evening.







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I suggest you leave work RIGHT NOW, go talk to somebody, a respected family member, priest, somebody. And Get ahold of yourself.


Those two SUCK! Don't let them ruin your life.

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Oh my gosh. It's definetly hitting the fan today. Joey, seriously. Don't do anything stupid this is way messed up, I know. Just take a deep breath. Give your girlfriend a chance to explain and then kick her butt out the door. Anyone who would take something like that lightly doesn't deserve to be in a loving and caring relationship. But you do Joey. Do yourself a favor, don't be alone and shut yourself off right now. Get help from a loved one anyone. It is so much better to not have to face this crap alone. Someone will be praying for ya. Good luck.

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You need to keep your cool here and not do anything that will dramatically alter your life, get you jail time, or the death penalty.


You have been jerked around big time. Instead of flying off the handle, you could have a lot of fun with this knowledge over time if you are mature enough.


You could let out bits and pieces of what you know over a period of time until you have embarassed these two so badly they will never be the same.


No good purpose will be served by flying off the handle tonight. No purpose at all. You will make a total fool of yourself.


I'm with Paulie, 100 percent. You need to leave work, go talk to someone...a trusted friend, a counsellor, a member of the clergy. You need to get yourself calmed down so you can think and deal rationally.


The great thing to come out of this is that you have gotten the answer you wanted from LoveShack and you have learned a great lesson.


You also have to understand that people are going to be human and they're going to screw up. Thankfully, you have been informed. Go now and get this off your chest so you can act calmly and rationally if you decide to confront your girlfriend.


I personally would prefer myself to have fun with this if I were you. In time, you will get a big laugh out of this so may as well get some milage out of it now.

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Joey,please calm down.I recognized your GF post right after you posted and I tried to hint to it without drawing too much attention.(I guess that was useless,since everyone else pointed it out to you!)


I was also hoping that you would read a lot of the other post first and realize that you are not alone in having love problems.That's why we're all here,because we all have in the past or the present had difficulties .


Of course you should be mad,and I'm in total agreement with you in that.Your anger is justified. But right now,it's important to calm down.Tony's right in his advice,you need to talk to someone before you do something rash.


Feel free to post more here if you feel any of us can help.Heck,yell and scream at us if it will calm you down. You can be sure 'Lara' will log on here soon and realize that the **** just hit the fan.

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Things to ponder:


Joey comes across this site *bookmarked by his gf* and is surprised to find she has posted something...?


She HAS posted something, and uses HER REAL NAME...? On a site she has BOOKMARKED where her bf may find it?


Paulie *just happens to remember* a previous post from Oct. 23rd (!) that seems to refer to the same situation that Paulie is describing...? And it didn't occur to Joey to look through the postings for something his gf might have posted, perhaps under a different name?


How could Joey be clenching his fists and typing on the keyboard at the same time? It seems his description of his reaction when he read her posting was for effect.


Incredible coincidences, these are, if you ask me. And if this story by some chance is true (I think it is made up, it certainly does not have the ring of truth to it), well she cheated on you, Joey, and you were snooping through her computer to see what she had bookmarked. Sounds as if neither of you can be trusted.

what's up everyone, I saw this site bookmarked on my girlfriend's computer..i'm not sure if it's for certain people or you ahve to subscribe or something..but i was reading the first few entries, i'm hoping i could get some advice from you fellas. it's a pretty weird situation, and it's been bugging me lately, although i might not have anything to worry about. the thing is, my best friend (male) and my girlfriend are very close and friendly with each other. he has his own girlfriend, who happens to be my gf's friend as well. but whenever the 4 of us hang out, it always seems like my gf and her bf are a couple instead. i've always been pretty comfortable with them hugging and stuff, they've been best friends forever. he was the one that introduced me to her, and my gf was the one who introduced him to his gf. but lately, their hugs and grabbing have been bothering me for some reason. i'm crazy about her and i wanna marry her one day; my best friend's crazy about his girlfriend too and he wants to marry her within 2 yrs. so it's pretty serious. we're always teasing and making fun of each other, and we take it all in stride; but the other night we were all laying around, there was a joke on leno about sex or something, and i thought i saw the two of them exchange glances. i know i probably sound crazy, but i don't know. thigns don't feel right. am i jumping to conclusions? maybe i'm getting worried about things getting sreious and am looking for a way out? hwat do you guys feel about your girl being that toucy-feely with your best friend? how can i get over it?
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Joey comes across this site *bookmarked by his gf* and is surprised to find she has posted something...?

If he's not familiar with these things, .. that's likely.

She HAS posted something, and uses HER REAL NAME...? On a site she has BOOKMARKED where her bf may find it?

I use my real name. Otherwise I'd forget which alias I used. It's easier.

Paulie *just happens to remember* a previous post from Oct. 23rd (!) that seems to refer to the same situation that Paulie is describing...? And it didn't occur to Joey to look through the postings for something his gf might have posted, perhaps under a different name?

That was a pretty memorable post!


Plus, if he's not familiar with these things...

How could Joey be clenching his fists and typing on the keyboard at the same time? It seems his description of his reaction when he read her posting was for effect.

Well, it was after the fact. I'm not sure what a real 'reaction post' would look like though.

Incredible coincidences, these are, if you ask me. And if this story by some chance is true (I think it is made up, it certainly does not have the ring of truth to it), well she cheated on you, Joey, and you were snooping through her computer to see what she had bookmarked. Sounds as if neither of you can be trusted.

I've seen much dumber things happen with the "Documents" option on the Windows taskbar. The file name usually says it all.


Yeah, it could be made up, but if so.. they should go pro.


Because Paulie has been posting for a long time, and ...


I'm usually skeptical but this was bound to happen at some point. Plus when couples are in trouble, each member usually assumes the other has no idea which actually is rarely the case.


This was bound to happen eventually.


But if somebody posting as Paulie says "Hey, whose been using my name!" then, you're probably right.




Nah, I think it's real. I've seen much, much dumber/weirder stuff with a lot more at stake.

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Observer, I really don't know what you're talking about, or perhaps refering to. Are you suggesting that somebody else posted under my name, I'm posting under Joey???


Please clarify...(none of these is true)

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Bobby Digital

WOW, busted. I think this is a first on this site. Every time someone cheats in a relationship, they ALWAYS get busted. You think people would LEARN!!!!!I think this is the first time someone got busted on here. I think its so very wrong for someone to cheat on someone that loves them and trusts them. If you absolutly HAVE to sleep with someone other than the person you decide to dedicate yourself to, than BREAK THE HELL UP WITH THEM!!!!!! SOME OF YOU PEOPLE ARE SOOOOOOOO F*CKING STUPID? IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK? It is soo much easier to break up with someone, telling them the truth (that they want to F*ck other people) rather then lie to them and make them feel like total sh*t after they find out that their loved one is sharing their private parts with other people. Don't you all think? I don't think they realize how much it hurts. My guess would be that this Lara chick is very young, fickle, and very very imature, and very STUPID!!!! Anyone else agree with me?

Observer, I really don't know what you're talking about, or perhaps refering to. Are you suggesting that somebody else posted under my name, I'm posting under Joey??? Please clarify...(none of these is true)
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I really like what Bobby Dygital said. Especially with how lightly Lara takes the whole BJ thing as if it were nothing and had no hurtful consequences for anyone. It does seem that she is immature and incapable of deep feelings, loyalty, love, or passion.


But it takes two to play, and Joey was allowing all this kissy-huggy stuff to go on in front of him until it finally got out of hand. I know that if a boyfriend of mine was all over another woman, even if it was just affection, I would want him to be giving it to me. And I certainly could not stand watching it go on day after day.

didn't there used to be a "y" in digital????????
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Bobby Dygytul

oh yeah, i forgot. The name Bobby Digital is already taken by a member of the WuTang clan. Thats why i use Bobby Dygytul. I was soo mad that i forgot my own damn name. lol


~Bobby Dygytul~

didn't there used to be a "y" in digital????????
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