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Arabic middle names


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And I believe this is the root of the problem. I've read several of your threads and see that she manipulates and basically just throws fits if she doesn't get her way. She doesn't expect you do to anything about it because you've continued to be steady throughout. And what you've done so far frankly IS more than many other men would do. Just being there for her is more, much less letting her get away with this dramatic "my way or the highway" BS she puts you through on a constant basis. YOU HAVE RIGHTS (if this child IS yours and I highly recommend finding out BEFORE you sign the birth certificate).


I'm not suggesting you be a jerk...at all. But you can get more stern and have her listen to you and your suggestions (and no, this isn't about a name). You have rights as well. Maybe not an automatic right to the child like she does without jumping through hoops to enforce those rights, but you can refuse to be cooperative if she refuses to be reasonable.


Then the onus is on her. Try being a woman who has to have paternity established and then CS awarded, then collected. It's not easy and even with the attorney general's office/child support division, those types of cases are usually on the bottom of the list for processing.


It appears she bullies you into what she wants and if you let this continue, it's what you'll have, guaranteed, for the next 18 years. She's not going to suddenly grow up and consider your feelings. It's time to start looking out for yourself.




The people I've talked to on this site have been so helpful. I have been brainwashed in alot of ways, and I'm finally starting to realize what it is I want. And more importantly, what this child needs. And it's not all up to Mommy to decide. I'm not excited for the day I have to deny signing the birth certificate until paternity is established, which will probably prevent me from staying with her after birth. I'll be booted from the whole thing. So that'll be no picnic. But it will be worth it all in the long run.


This kid is going to see his dad. First, let's make sure (without a doubt) that I'm the guy. Baby needs both parents.


sadintexas, you pretty much nailed it on the head.

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I had a similar problem with my husband about my Norwegian heritage - he shot down all the great names I had! Boo... But at least I am Norwegian! Although I have been struggling to teach myself Arabic for some months now (I used to work with a group of Palestinians and picked up quite a bit so I wanted to try and speak it - gave up on writing/reading). Anyhow, there must be a compromise - and as someone suggested, there are a TON of Arabic names that are "normal" sounding as they are common throughout the world. Good Luck!

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My only point to her was we should explore some stuff... together. Emphasis on "together". Not 'I pick something, you tell me you like it'.


As it turned out, I still didn't really have much say. Sure, I convinced her to drop the Arabic thing, which, again, was only in the "possible idea" stage. It's not like her little heart was set on it and I just stomped on her dreams of giving her child an Arabic middle name. Anyway I won the battle, in that sense.


It ended with her going with another one of her ideas she had pre-determined. I like the final pick better than the others, but still wish I could have juggled some ideas with her and felt like it was more of a joint effort. It could have been really fun for both of us.

Edited by The_Face
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I've read some if your threads. If you'll excuse my being blunt, how on earth did you start dating this crazy psychopath? She doesn't care about you or the baby, she just wants a power rush.


Anyway, it'd a bit weird to give your child a name which has no real connection to you or your heritage. If she insists to carry on with the Arabic name thing, maybe suggest Altaïr. Your child will grow up knowing they've been named after a badass, and the name also means "Eagle". I think that's better than all the Chastity's and Dakota's and Apple's we've been seeing lately.

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