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am i overreacting

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I always text this girl I like first and she always replies back within few minutes or 10-20min. Yesterday I texted her something but she didn't text back it's been a day. Am I reading to much into this?? Whenever we text we text for hours and she also keeps the conversation going.

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Well I have a similar issue with a girl I like. She might be busy so you might want to wait until she has free time to text you. Plus if you talk to her every moment it might make you look clingy so give her a break so she can work, go to school, or hang with other people. Besides sometimes doing other things (especially new hobbies) is good for you and makes you look more interesting in a girl's point of view.

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If its a girl that you really like, DO NOT TEXT HER AGAIN.


Find something that you two can connect on.


the way I'm doing with a girl im intrested in is:

We first talk about TV shows we watch, then she says what shows that I watch, I tell her all about it then she asks if she could borrow some DVDs. A friend would just drop them off thus falling in the friendzone, but I said why not have a coffee with her and catch up while I give her the DVDs. You get that connection and the opportunity.


Also remember that she might be busy, respect that and wait for her to text again. If not, move on as there are plenty of girls out there :)

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