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i wonder if he is cheating on me with other women online i also wonder if he is bi?

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Okay this is my story my boyfriend and i have been together for a year now we met online.See he is older than me and im afraid that he might want a older woman or someone closer to him.The thing also is he doesnt really show signs of cheating at all.He still the loving guy i met a year ago,saying he loves me and everything.


The key is he gave me his yahoo password and i logged into his yahoo messg.,then i saw all these female friends he had and im like what ?Because he told me that he didnt even talk to any girls after i kept on asking him,and he kept saying he dont.So he promised he would stop talking to all of them to make me happy,and i was like no because it talk to other guys.But why would he lie about talking to them?



Next i checked it today and i saw where he deleted them from his messg. list but still had them in his contacts,slick huh?So i got smart and made my own little new yahoo account and wrote him and ask him does he want to chat and guess what i got a response!



My real questions are do ya'll think he is cheating?What advice can u give me on ating as the other woman?Please helllllllllllppppppppp! ps. i als wonder if he is bi he had a account with bi but told me he made a mistake and wanted big whatcha think?

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You talk to other guys on line and that's ok. But he talks to women on line and he's probably cheating. Talk about a double standard! I don't use messenger much, but I do from time to time. If someone, male or female (and who can really tell in messenger anyway), wants to chat, I'll chat with them a bit. What you did, trying to trap your man, was a betrayal. If he learns of this, he should dump you on the spot.


He let you into his account so see exactly what he's up to. A cheater won't do this. Besides he's your boyfriend, not your husband. You don't own him. Maybe is is bisexual or maybe he was just curious. Almost all of us go through a period where we are "bicurious." Some people explore it, since the net makes it easy and anonymous, while others don't.


He's still loving and attentive and he's been open with you and you betray him by spying on him and trying to trap him. I don't think he's cheating, but I do think he needs another girlfriend.

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thanks that really helped me:) its just that he lied about havin them i dnt care if he has them i told him that,and he knws but i dnt want him to lie i told him about what i do and i mention him to the one guy friend that i do talk to on yahoo but he doesnt mention me.You are right im not his wife my grandma always says that to us about our boyfriends.But i just want him to be truthful yes he is a very good man but sometimes i have my doubts.I asked about the bi part becuz my dad is really driving me crazy about it he is like how can u talk to someone who is bi and im like its my life!Thanks alot he dnt need a new girlfriend but i just wanted to see.

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well i continued with my searcg as the girl and found out that he is planning to cheat after i ask him does he plan on cheating on me and is he,he said no to all and as the girl i asked did he want to hav sex he said yes that made me realize maybe i dnt need him and he doesnt love me as much as he said

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Well hell, you were talking to another guy about getting married and having kids. Even called him on the phone, so don't try saying "it was just chat." Well, as far as you know that's all it was with BF too.

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no i said thats all i thought that it was a chat as in before i got really deep into knwing him.And u knw maybe it is the same with this guy to u but to me its completely different

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oh now i knw what u talking about that relationship about that chat with that dude happen a year or so ago i was just saying how people cheat,i didnt cheat on my boyfriend at all,but with him i have all the clues i have proof so i mean theres no if or but or whats about that

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Maybe you should both stop talking to other people online. You stop and ask him to stop as well. If he doesn't, then maybe you should put a keylogger on there to get your truth if its bothering you.

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I thought he was my sweet bay until one day i called the cell and his wife picked up


This is another thread you posted...so I am very confused....are you asking if this man is cheating on you? I think the answer is yes, by his wife.


My apologies if I am wrong.



Okay this is my story my boyfriend and i have been together for a year now we met online.See he is older than me and im afraid that he might want a older woman or someone closer to him.The thing also is he doesnt really show signs of cheating at all.He still the loving guy i met a year ago,saying he loves me and everything.


This is this thread. Please clear the confusion up.

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bigboydsgirl you asking for advise so I am giving you my opinion. Why are you with this guy? What kind of a relationship do you have? Is what you found not enough?


If he is in a committed relationship with you WHY does he have a yahoo im with a bunch of girls on it? I am sorry but I think that is dis respectful behavior in my book.


You are spending precious time wanting to find out if he is cheating! YOU SAW THE YAHOO IM LIST! What else do you need?


I would sit him down and have a good talk about this and you make up your mind from there. No man that truly loves you, has a yahoo im full of girls.!!!!!


Remember that you are worth everything and so much more. Read these posts as you go through this site. It is all over! men/women online blah blah blah.


Don't sell yourself short here. Does it not feel horrible to have to "snoop"? If you with a man that is sincere, you never have to "snoop"


Remember is it walks like a duck and it looks like a duck it is a duck!



StartingAgain I am not sure what planet you are from! Everyone has a right to their own opinion and I respect yours I just don't agree with that!

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If you really want to know you need to get the program "Win-Spy", with this program you see everything. Take my word for it. This program is undetectable. It takes screen shots, it shows you where they have been, it sends you even logs of chat rooms, it shows you their email that they open, logs every keystroke and logs can be emailed straight to you. I used it and they can't denie anything.


Know this, don't ask the question if you don't want to know the truth.

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