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Celibate & Liking this Guy A lot!! But will want something serious!

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So have been celibate for more than 5 years and really digging this guy. We've known each other for almost 6 years and haven't reconnected until we both got into a social networking site. We used to work together, but we never had an attraction like this because I was committed to someone else at the time. This guy I do like did witness some of the major negative things that happened in that relationship. I know he felt like it wasn't his place to say anything or get involved because I was married at the time to that other guy.


So now we've reconnected and I'm really diggin him. One thing we've always had for one another is a lot of respect. I have observed the way he treats his family and friends, especially his mother and children and he's also got friends that are decent and positive. We are living in different states though. I've expressed that I want to not be celibate anymore and share it with him. And of course, he says he is glad to help! I am not expecting anything like a serious relationship right now...just been through so much and I'm not getting any younger..so I want to enjoy my life. I trust him and would feel safe around him. But I do believe I would want a very serious relationship later on such as being married in 3 years. But I am also trying to prepare my mind for if he is not ready for it. He knows about my children. I am in my early 30s and he is 10 yrs older than me. If we were to take it to a serious level, I would not have a problem moving to where he is and finding a job.


When asked about it, this is what he told me "I like to go with the flow and we have a lot of respect and know each other well enough that we will do just fine."


What does he mean by that? PLEASE BREAK THAT DOWN FOR ME!! What in the world does "we will do just fine" mean??!


Should I go get "it" from him?

How do I know if and when he is really serious about establishing a relationship?

How do I know if he is just stringing me along?


Please answer my questions! Thank you!!

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well you could just "go get it" from him and hope it is what you was expecting it to be, at least your going to know for sure by hooking back up with him in person, you should have a better idea if he really is the one you want a future with.


if you do go "get it" from him and its not what you expected, it may damage any hope you might have of continuing your friendship with him.


pretty tough call to make, but i certainly hope you make the right decision.

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