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Former teacher & moving on

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I'm wondering if someone can give me an objective view on this situation, however cliched it is.


I seem to be having a difficult time moving on from my now 3-year crush on a music teacher who taught me at a small music school. I've officially been gone for over a year now.


There was friendly flirting from both sides during the 2 years I was there, and questionable feelings from him. He would invite me to gigs and look at me while he was playing, smiling slyly, and avoiding eye contact when I went up to speak with him. The next time I went, he brought his then-girlfriend, and smiled/looked at her the same way he had looked me when I had first gone. My best friend went with me at the time, and noticed this herself...vowing that it was obvious he had some kind of affection for me.


Other things happened that I won't bother putting into this post. One of his other students told him he thought I was really cute, to which my teacher responded, "Don't say that about her...she's my student." He would often tell me about his past girlfriends, we laughed a lot when we were together. We had a lot in common, and had less than a ten year age difference between us. He would tease me a lot in that "joking" kind of way.


The day I left the school (officially), he got me a goodbye card and accused me that I was going to forget him and never visit him, or email him. He told me not to be afraid of emailing him, and that he wouldn't mind if I flooded his inbox with emails.


Anyway, we barely see each other now. Literally. But there are things he does that make me wonder how he's feeling when we do see each other. He invited me to accompany him to his teacher's gig, and he confirmed it twice. But as the date drew nearer, he suddenly ignored my emails about where we were meeting, etc, telling me he suddenly got very busy. People tell me he got cold feet, as he ended up going with his dad.


If I talk to him about a guy, he asks me curiously who he is. In a tone of, "Who is he again?....a boyfriend?"


Everytime I see him, he seems to want to say something but doesn't. He still enjoys jokingly making fun of me. Probably due to the stigmatism of having any involvement with a former student. He's very introverted, and is probably too timid to get to know me more. On the same note, I am precisely the same.


My major concern is that I will never truly "move on" unless I say something to him, which I am fearful of doing and looking like a fool. This isn't a post asking if I should pursue him, but what your opinions are and what I should possibly do. "Just forget about it and move on" has obviously not worked, despite barely seeing him as much as I used to.

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I want more info here before I dish out some advice. What school as in university or high school class? What are your ages?

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