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Pursuing this, bad? Could be the best thing ever...

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This girl and I met online a few weeks ago, and we got to talking a lot. I find out she lives in British Columbia, Canada. Well, I live in Georgia in the states. I didnt really mind that she lived 3,000 miles away. But we've gotten really close. We talk on the phone ALL the time. We are even talking about stepping it up a little further in the "long distance relationship." And talking about meeting sometime soon. I really like her, a lot. She feels the same, or she says. I dont doubt her. But, would it be wise to pursue this? If so, can someone give me some advice on this. Preferably someone who has gone through the same thing. Thanks.

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i haven't been in a situation like this, but all i can say is take the risk and meet her. what do you have to lose?

if it doesn't work between you two, then you'll at least know that you've tried. and if it's great - well great! either way, you'll know if you're capable together or not.


good luck!

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