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Well ok here we go... K ive had this gf for a month now.. I know she really like me... she always tells me... But she has this friend who used to like her.. they have been friends for 2 years now.. I guess they are realy good friends.. But like everyother day sometime twice a day and sometimes everyday they talk on the phone for like 2 hours.. sometimes after like me and her get off the phone she calls him.. so it just kinda of weird and everyone ive talked to seems its funny too.. but the only ones that dont is them 2..... and then she gets all mad cause she says i have nothing to worry about... dunno what to doo help pweaaaaaaaz

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dont be jealous, you'll scare her off. They are probably just best of friends, hello they've know each other for two years now. Give her some space, she is allowed to have friends too

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My best friend is male. I can spend HOURS talking to him on the phone. This doesn't bother my boyfriend in the slightest. My best friend has been there for me during my darkest hours for the past eight years. I truly cherish him on every level, but would never cheat on my boyfriend.

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