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Life Can be hard


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Hi,Im just a young teenage girl learning from every mistake. Im 14 years old. and I have alot of friends and love my family with all my heart I dont know what id do without them. I grew up in a chirstain home my whole life. You always know your parents dream of a there perfect child what there futures gonna be when they get older;they think its gonna be amazing and perfect when its the oppiste. When I got in the 6th grade I got "new friends"that I thought were "cool". I was really the outcast nerd before 6th grade. So when i met this new girl friend, she hung out with other friends that i got to meet! All they talked about was drinking and getting hi.Ill just say ill headed toward trouble. One night i got talked into doing something i knew was wrong with my girlfriend,my sister. We told everything to eachother! I trusted her i would do anything for her! Well week after she called me names. and i told my parents. she called me so many terrible things. I held on a year saying it was her and not just me 2. When i went to a church camp they talked about making mistakes GOD forgave you. I gave chirst in my heart 2nd time in my life. when i got back into school after summer i didnt perpare myself to be faced with drugs and achoel again. I bet myself down because it was so hard. I started having sucide thoughts and doing just bad things. WHY DID I DO THIS? that's what all was in my head. I started cutting myself,and 7th grade was just not me all i was was trouble! I got out of going to church AGAIN. and that summer i was still bad me i lost so many of my good friends. Beggining of summer I got involed with sexual actions. I had got fingered by a guy that said i was beautiful and he never leave me when he got what he wanted he left calling me a fat b* and everything else. The secound day of 8th grade he told the whole school about what happend. and all i was called was slut,whore,bitch,fat,ugly all kinds of hurtful names. They still run thur my head stiill to this day..I had a friend name Misty she was the only person that stood up for me when i was getting bullied. She knew i had sucide thoughts and cutting myself. she told me that she went thur the same thing. and that i will be okay to stay strong. She helped me so much!! That summer when 8th grade was over;summer was going great until one morning. i woke up with terrible news,my bestfriend (sister) had died in a car crash.. its been 3 months and a half since she died and its so different at school. I got thur sometimes still alot of depression i miss her like crazy. but im holding on to them words she told me stay strong. <3 I learned that god makes everything better and life can get better. You think it wont but I promise you it will. If anyone ever has family problems,cutting,boy,thoughts,depression any kind of problems im always here to talk!!!!

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Hi,Im just a young teenage girl learning from every mistake. Im 14 years old. and I have alot of friends and love my family with all my heart I dont know what id do without them. I grew up in a chirstain home my whole life. You always know your parents dream of a there perfect child what there futures gonna be when they get older;they think its gonna be amazing and perfect when its the oppiste. When I got in the 6th grade I got "new friends"that I thought were "cool". I was really the outcast nerd before 6th grade. So when i met this new girl friend, she hung out with other friends that i got to meet! All they talked about was drinking and getting hi.Ill just say ill headed toward trouble. One night i got talked into doing something i knew was wrong with my girlfriend,my sister. We told everything to eachother! I trusted her i would do anything for her! Well week after she called me names. and i told my parents. she called me so many terrible things. I held on a year saying it was her and not just me 2. When i went to a church camp they talked about making mistakes GOD forgave you. I gave chirst in my heart 2nd time in my life. when i got back into school after summer i didnt perpare myself to be faced with drugs and achoel again. I bet myself down because it was so hard. I started having sucide thoughts and doing just bad things. WHY DID I DO THIS? that's what all was in my head. I started cutting myself,and 7th grade was just not me all i was was trouble! I got out of going to church AGAIN. and that summer i was still bad me i lost so many of my good friends. Beggining of summer I got involed with sexual actions. I had got fingered by a guy that said i was beautiful and he never leave me when he got what he wanted he left calling me a fat b* and everything else. The secound day of 8th grade he told the whole school about what happend. and all i was called was slut,whore,bitch,fat,ugly all kinds of hurtful names. They still run thur my head stiill to this day..I had a friend name Misty she was the only person that stood up for me when i was getting bullied. She knew i had sucide thoughts and cutting myself. she told me that she went thur the same thing. and that i will be okay to stay strong. She helped me so much!! That summer when 8th grade was over;summer was going great until one morning. i woke up with terrible news,my bestfriend (sister) had died in a car crash.. its been 3 months and a half since she died and its so different at school. I got thur sometimes still alot of depression i miss her like crazy. but im holding on to them words she told me stay strong. <3 I learned that god makes everything better and life can get better. You think it wont but I promise you it will. If anyone ever has family problems,cutting,boy,thoughts,depression any kind of problems im always here to talk!!!!


I'm so sorry for what you have experienced at such a young age. Sometimes life hands you stuff that is hard, nearly impossible (but not entirely) to deal with :(


Please get some counselling for what you have experienced. Those things have a lasting effect that god cannot fix, only you.


I can't identify with the god stuff, but you are definitely a tough gal that will be fine I bet.

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My mom is making life hard for my gay brother?


even after our dad talked to her and told her that he is still her son and that she has been behaving badly she is treating him badly. We came home from school today and she had a priest there to talk to him about his unnatural desires and that he needs to go away to a place that can fix. I yelled at her and then we left. My dad is still fighting with her and my older brother is really sad. What should I do please help me?

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Hi,Im just a young teenage girl learning from every mistake. Im 14 years old. and I have alot of friends and love my family with all my heart I dont know what id do without them. I grew up in a chirstain home my whole life. You always know your parents dream of a there perfect child what there futures gonna be when they get older;they think its gonna be amazing and perfect when its the oppiste. When I got in the 6th grade I got "new friends"that I thought were "cool". I was really the outcast nerd before 6th grade. So when i met this new girl friend, she hung out with other friends that i got to meet! All they talked about was drinking and getting hi.Ill just say ill headed toward trouble. One night i got talked into doing something i knew was wrong with my girlfriend,my sister. We told everything to eachother! I trusted her i would do anything for her! Well week after she called me names. and i told my parents. she called me so many terrible things. I held on a year saying it was her and not just me 2. When i went to a church camp they talked about making mistakes GOD forgave you. I gave chirst in my heart 2nd time in my life. when i got back into school after summer i didnt perpare myself to be faced with drugs and achoel again. I bet myself down because it was so hard. I started having sucide thoughts and doing just bad things. WHY DID I DO THIS? that's what all was in my head. I started cutting myself,and 7th grade was just not me all i was was trouble! I got out of going to church AGAIN. and that summer i was still bad me i lost so many of my good friends. Beggining of summer I got involed with sexual actions. I had got fingered by a guy that said i was beautiful and he never leave me when he got what he wanted he left calling me a fat b* and everything else. The secound day of 8th grade he told the whole school about what happend. and all i was called was slut,whore,bitch,fat,ugly all kinds of hurtful names. They still run thur my head stiill to this day..I had a friend name Misty she was the only person that stood up for me when i was getting bullied. She knew i had sucide thoughts and cutting myself. she told me that she went thur the same thing. and that i will be okay to stay strong. She helped me so much!! That summer when 8th grade was over;summer was going great until one morning. i woke up with terrible news,my bestfriend (sister) had died in a car crash.. its been 3 months and a half since she died and its so different at school. I got thur sometimes still alot of depression i miss her like crazy. but im holding on to them words she told me stay strong. <3 I learned that god makes everything better and life can get better. You think it wont but I promise you it will. If anyone ever has family problems,cutting,boy,thoughts,depression any kind of problems im always here to talk!!!!


Hi there,


Firstly, I am sorry to hear about all this, but I can help you if you are open to take the following on board....


Have you truly had enough of suffering?


If you have truly had enough of suffering then please do the following...


Realize that the present moment is the only thing that exists. Your life and everyone else's life and nature unfolds all around us and it happens in the present moment.


The past and future what you perceive as real are actually a memory trace, an image in your mind. A "neural-pathway" is what it's technical term is.


Your mind is made up of neural-pathways that get formed when you have a thought. The more you think about them the bigger they get. These are connected to your nervous system, which gives off the feeling.


Feelings are created due to the chemicals that actually get released during a thought. So these chemicals are actually harmful to you if they are continuous for long periods of time.


So by thinking these thoughts you are actually harming yourself, not the ones that have wronged you.


Power over others is actually weakness disguised as strength. So what these people did to you was actually a weakness.


However, law of attraction states that like attracts like.


When you have a thought and a feeling, this is actually an energy frequency that is given off. Since you are vibrating at a certain level in your body, you tend to attract situations that reflect that vibrational energy frequency.


So how do you raise your vibration so as to attract more positive situations?


You change your thoughts and feelings.


How do you do that?


Well the best thing to do is realize that you have been taken over by your mind.


You are not your mind. You are more than your thoughts. Don't you agree?


Actually you are the observing presence when the mind is still.


This chatter inside your head that you perceive as who you are, is not actually you. You are the one who sees this chatter. What chatter you might ask? What voice in my head? That is the voice right there.


You think it is normal because almost everyone on the planet is doing it. So you have no idea you have the ability to silence this noise.


Would you agree it would be truly liberating to silence this chatter?


Well I know first hand that it is. You then go beyond the mind and become the person you are truly meant to be. The powerful presence beyond thought.


So how do you start to silence the mind, and control the mind, instead of letting it control you?


1.) Start by watching the mind, listen to the thoughts you have. Ask yourself, "what thought am I going to have right now?


When you do this you will notice the mind is now still and silent.


2.) Focus your attention on the present....


The present moment would be....


The task at hand. The work you are doing.

The sentence you are reading right now.

The feel of the water when you wash your hands.

The wind blowing on your face when you are walking along outside.

The trees that you see.

The smell of the flowers.

Your breathing. Feel the air going in and out. Feel your lungs expanding and contracting.


3.) Feel instead of think.


Feel your heart beating. Feel your body's energy pulse and vibration.


This is what people mean when they say "trust your gut" or "my heart is saying this or that"


It is an intuitive feeling. Trust your intuition.


When you do all these things and you are feeling and are 100% present....your mind is still. The mind is turned of.


The chatter in your mind has stopped.


What chatter you might ask? That is the chatter. The voice in your head. Everyone has it but don't realize that they have the power to stop it.


Listen to the thoughts, don't judge them. Smile at them. Laugh at them. They are just habitual. A habit that has been formed.


Dis-empower your thoughts by stepping outside of them and watching them.


Then you regain your power. :)


Write down 10 things to be grateful for and read them when you get up and when you go to bed.


Change your words, change your life.


Live in peace. You have a choice. :)


Practice forgiveness every moment because those who have wronged you don't know they are also controlled by their thoughts.


Have compassion.


When you smile at the World, the World will smile back.


When you love people, they will love you back.

Edited by ChrisJames
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