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Being apart for the first time :(

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I just got bittersweet news!


One of my darling sisters offered me a voucher so I can come to our Grandpa's funeral. I called my hubby and he said that's ok but he will miss me like crazy and not to be gone too long.


I am torn apart because on one hand I want so bad to go and be with my family and I want my hubby to be with me!!! On the other hand, my hubby can't; he has to work and since our marriage a year plus ago, we have never been apart. :(


This is driving me crazy. :(


I am scared a bit. Because my Grandpa died, I am scared that something will happen to my hubby when I'm gone. I'm crying right now. I know I'm being irrational but still it scares me. I don't want to lose him, especially when I'm not here. I don't want him to be alone without me. For those of you who believe in God, please pray for protection for my hubby while we are apart? I know I am not the one who keeps him safe and that accidents can happen when we are together and when we are apart. But I am scared and I so wish that he could go with me. I believe in God and know that He protects according to His will and we don't need to worry but I am human and worries cross my mind.


Anyways, we are going to talk everyday on the phone, just like we used to do before we met face to face. He is so awesome and I am so thankful for his support in my family's hardship. I really wish he could have met my Grandpa. We're hoping to go out for Christmas.


I need to go pack now. I am excited but my heart is torn in 2 because I want to be with both my family and my husband who is my family too.

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You will be fine. With the advancement in technology, it is much easier to communicate. Before my husband and I were married, we've been apart for several months, with different timezones, it was difficult at first but weve managed. And sometimes there are really times you have to be apart. You can only see your grandpa once again,and pay respect, other than the funeral, he is gone :( condolences and safe trip.

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Go to the funeral, Beth. Comfort your family, spend time with them, and mourn your grandfather.


And jump your husband the moment you get back. :)

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Go to the funeral, Beth. Comfort your family, spend time with them, and mourn your grandfather.


Thanks Gorilla Theater :)


And jump your husband the moment you get back. :)


I did!!! :love::bunny::cool:

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