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Does she like me?

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I have known this girl for just over a year, met her through a good friend of mine once they started dating. After a while me and the girl became really good friends to the point where she would text me daily and call me at least 4 times a week and we would stay up until 3 in the morning just talking. I have expressed my feelings for her when they broke up last summer but she said she didnt want to ruin our friendship and we should stay "best friends". After that she ended up getting back together with my friend but they have recently broken up this month. We always do things together and hang out etc etc, nothing sexual as of yet as for the most part she was always with my friend and she is a really loyal girlfriend who takes cheating very seriously. But just when I had started to give up and realize that we would be nothing more than friends, out of the blue at 3 in the morning she texted me a link to a song by Taylor Swift called "begin again" and said " this makes me think of you". Now I dont know what to think and I am very confused. I have been seeing / dating other girls the whole time ive known her but at this point all I want to do is be with her. Any help at all is appriciated, thanks.

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