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How can I get her to start liking me?

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there is a girl in my town. I really like her. But she found out. Now; she don't want anything to do with me. But what pisses me off is that all of these popular guys like her. So that limits my chances. Almost anybody who knows me thinks that I am crazy cuz I like her. What should I do?? How can I get her to start liking me?!!




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Unfortunately there is no way to MAKE someone like anyone, the way people feel about others can't be made or forced by anything but their own taste.

What do you mean by "she doesn't want anything to do with me?" Is she being b*tchy or have you guys just not talked in a while? If she is being b*tchy I'd suggest moving onto someone else mean people are not worth anyones time. But if she's a genuinely nice person, I would suggest taking a very slow approach to it, possibly just try a friend approach first and give you both some time to get to really know each other. You may want to suggest a casual lunch together or something. Good luck and I've got my fingers crossed for ya.

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If all the guys are trying to go out with her, don't think of it as it limiting your chances, try thinking of it this way... all the other girls are fair game... and it seems that since all the guys are all occupied with this other girl, you have a pretty good chance of finding a much nicer girl. If this girl is not talking to you just because she found out you like her, then why do you want to be with someone like that? Thats pretty immature. Sometimes the cutest girls 'seem' like they have it all, but I betcha that you will start to notice that there are a whole lot of other great girls that are just dying to have a guy like you pay attention to them. So... take a look at what other girls are around there... and remember... the glass is half full.

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Originally posted by whitleyjd09

there is a girl in my town. I really like her. But she found out. Now; she don't want anything to do with me. But what pisses me off is that all of these popular guys like her. So that limits my chances. Almost anybody who knows me thinks that I am crazy cuz I like her. What should I do?? How can I get her to start liking me?!!





Popularity dies. She's not worth you effort man.


Also, you could simply state to her that you heard that she thinks that you like her and you don't. In fact, you tell her that you find her unattractive and kind of bitchy and you would never pick her to date, so you don't want her to get the wrong idea. This, actually might get her to like you. It's called the deacon effect.

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