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Anniversary Gift

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I need help. My two year anniversary with my boyfriend is coming up in december, and I have no clue what to get him. That's my first problem. My second problem is that it is so close to christmas and I don't know what to get him for christmas either. He doesn't really need anything, but I want to get him something special. Both of us are struggling to work and pay for school so it needs to be something that isn't too extravagent. I just need some suggestions on gifts that would really express how much I love him. Anyone got any good ideas?

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Something personal that might remind him of a shared memory might do... a Christmas ornament from a city you visited, a cd that has the song you love to slowdance to. A new friend told me his favorite present from his love is a list of "100 Reasons Why I Love You" from his sweetheart... be creative and make it uniquely you.


And by the way, Happy Anniversary!

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My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over 3 years. His birthday was in October and I wanted to do something very special and inexpensive, so this is what I did...


I wrote up 101 reasons why I love you, and cut out 101 little hearts out of construction paper, and wrote the reasons on them. I then taped them up around our bedroom and some were on the bed and also on the floor.


I wrote him a poem and put it on a piece of poster board that I had decorated really nice.


Since he was turning 21, I blew up 21 red balloons and they were all over the bed and floor.


I made a big Happy Birthday sign and hung it up on the wall.


Lastly, I had bought a pack of 8 small french vanilla candles and put them around the room and lit them before I brought him in the room!


He loved it!!! He said he will always remember that b-day!


I know it sounds like alot of work but stuff like that I think are the best kind of gifts! And I only spent about $15 on all that! I spent more money on him because I also bought him some playstation games and stuff!


There is a website that gives you ideas of romantic stuff to do for your loved one that is inexpensive. It is...




It gave me ideas of what to do.


Good luck and Happy Anniversary!



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