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I like this girl... what should I do?

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Yeah uh there is thsi girl in my home town. And I really like her. But she found out, and now she don't want anything to do with me anymore. And what really pisses me off is that all of the popular guys like her. She went out with a few of them but that only lasted for a day or two.


But everyone thinks i'm crazy cuz i Like her. EVEN MY BUDDIES THINK THAT! What should I do to get her to like me and to shut my friends up cuz their comments are really starting to be like a cold slap in the face. PLEASE HELP ME!




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So you were friends with this girl and when she found out you liked her she stopped talking to you? Why do you want that her to like you in the first place?

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i think you need a restraining order put on you cause right now you're borderline obsessive and you need to calm the f*** down


seriously there is a reason why she doesnt want to see or talk to you

and all this dating the popular guy stuff? that means you're gettin the sloppy seconds if you know what i mean.


get over her, you dont have a chance in hell with her, not even if you saved her life or took a bullet.


Your friends know you good enough to know the chances you have as well, dont leave them behind for some girl that already doesnt like you back.

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