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first relationship for both of us

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I had just started going out with Junior, he was a sweetheart and treated me like a princess but we didn't really


had that chemistry between us. One night we were out with his friends and I met Chris, a friend os junior's friends. I


wasn't looking foward to messing things up with Junior, but what Chris made me feel definitely changed my mind. He


came over the next day and it was great. I told him about Junior, I wanted to be honest. but deep inside I knew I


didn't need another day with him to make up my mind, he was Mr. Right-for-me. We went out a few more times and


it only made me more sure. I then broke up with Junior and started going out with Chris. We had some difficulties


because we both had never had a relationship that lasted more than a few weeks before. We didn't really know


how to treat each other but we both wanted to give it a shot. We a lot in commom, we come from similar


backgrounds, we share very similar goals and dreams, and we have such a chemistry. But since it's summer he's had


to be away for a few times, first he stayed a few days, second he stayed two weeks and now he is away for a


month. Our relationship is with no doubt hurt, and on top of all he's moving to college as soon as he gets back


although the city is only one hour away. He is confused, I am worried. I want things to be great but we don't even




know each other that well and it sucks that we don't know how to really treat one another, I am hurting him and he


is hurting me. We are like on the spot. So I am thinking the best thing is to wait for him to get back and have a one


on one. How can we have a LDR if we are facing all these difficulties?? Can we make it work? How can we earn trust


from one another? Are we really meant to be?


:o confused girlfriend :o

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I think i have one answer for you........TIME. In all LDRs time is one of the most important factors, outside of communication. Over time you can get to know that real person. a ldr is a true test of a relationship, i'm going through it right now. You do need to take the time and talk to him more or less face to face and discuss with him your concerns. If you love one another and truly want your relationship to work out, it will stand the test. If a ldr would be to difficult and too stressful maybe you should rethink becoming involved in one.


many people go away for college and keep their relationships going strong. one hour is not that far away and with a little planning your relationship can seem as normal as possible. first and foremost, lay it all out for him and pin point the difficulties you are having now. see what he is thinking about it. as for your relationship working out, again time will tell.


Trust as they say is something earned not given. in a ldr you both have to extend yourselves out there and become a little vulnerable and place some trust in each other. if you don't then your relationship very well may fail. Good luck to you, remember to trust him as much as you can and give it a little time. if you get frustrated just come up here and vent a little, that's what i do, even if no one responds at least you are getting the frustration out in a somewhat healthy manner.


Take care of yourself!!

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