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Can a 27 year old compete with a 21 year old girl?


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can a 27 year old still be attractive enough to compete for the same men as a 21 year old?


There's a lot of factors involved here, don't you think? I've seen 20 something women I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole and I've seen women in their 60s that I'd crawl a mile on broken glass naked just to get her to piss on my tooth brush. Just sayin.

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I think there was a comment made about obesity, that was deleted.


My sister was fat for several years, when she was a kid. The attitudes displayed about fat people, and her desperately wanting to be thin, led her to trying dangerous diets in order to never put on much weight again. She has been skinny for years, and very pretty her whole life - but the inferring that an overweight person isn't lovable, and shouldn't expect to be loved - that gets me every time!


On-topic: when she was 27, she looked like a teenager. She's always looked younger than she is. I wish that wasn't seen as such a huge accomplishment.

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I think there was a comment made about obesity, that was deleted.


My sister was fat for several years, when she was a kid. The attitudes displayed about fat people, and her desperately wanting to be thin, led her to trying dangerous diets in order to never put on much weight again. She has been skinny for years, and very pretty her whole life - but the inferring that an overweight person isn't lovable, and shouldn't expect to be loved - that gets me every time!


On-topic: when she was 27, she looked like a teenager. She's always looked younger than she is. I wish that wasn't seen as such a huge accomplishment.

My ex's co-worker met an overweight woman here in my city while on a business trip, and fell in love with her, married her, and moved here, and now works from here. I met them, and they were the happiest couple I have seen.

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Negative Nancy
On-topic: when she was 27, she looked like a teenager. She's always looked younger than she is. I wish that wasn't seen as such a huge accomplishment.


I agree. Many posters (not just in this thread) tell women to "get over their insecurities" as far as age and teen porn and men preferring younger women goes, but we are all affected by this. It's reflected in the fact that many women are quick to point out how THEY have managed keep fit and young-looking and are always guessed younger than they are. :rolleyes: (Not me - I am the first to admit that I do look exactly my age, probably even older thinking how all the women MY age claim to look younger than they are :rolleyes:.) It shows that our society places a huge emphasis on youth, not just men do but even women do, yet women are supposed to be "above" it and not be insecure about it? Makes no sense. :rolleyes:


As for the thread question, 21 and 27 is not that much of a difference, but it's definitely true that a man would choose a 21 year old over a 30 or 40 year old.

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Only if a 55 year old man can compete with a 62 year old man.

He can if he is fit, slim, and healthy. That's the age group I'd like to date but have to go younger because so few men fit that description. Even much younger men don't fit that description in large numbers.

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Disenchantedly Yours
I think there was a comment made about obesity, that was deleted.


My sister was fat for several years, when she was a kid. The attitudes displayed about fat people, and her desperately wanting to be thin, led her to trying dangerous diets in order to never put on much weight again. She has been skinny for years, and very pretty her whole life - but the inferring that an overweight person isn't lovable, and shouldn't expect to be loved - that gets me every time!


On-topic: when she was 27, she looked like a teenager. She's always looked younger than she is. I wish that wasn't seen as such a huge accomplishment.


Thanks for sharing that Anela.


I think soceity in general instills a lot of fear specifically into women for getting older. I think a lot of men, a number on this board, also like to play to that fear and bully and shame women on this subject. To the point where some of the guys here clearly even get sadistic pleasure out of it.


Even when I hear guys talk about how great younger women are, I don't even really see how that's even a compliment to those younger women. They are only complimenting those women because of their age, something that changes every year. Once those younger women get older, those "compliments" are entirely worthless. So whenever I hear a guy say something about how much better young women are, I know that his compliment isn't a sincere one even to that young woman. That is why I always tell younger woman to pay attention to a man's attitude about women of all ages.


I am totally with you that I wish it wasn't such a huge compliment or accomplishment about looking younger. It kind of gives the message that you should be ashamed of your age.

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Disenchantedly Yours
I agree. Many posters (not just in this thread) tell women to "get over their insecurities" as far as age and teen porn and men preferring younger women goes, but we are all affected by this. It's reflected in the fact that many women are quick to point out how THEY have managed keep fit and young-looking and are always guessed younger than they are. :rolleyes: (Not me - I am the first to admit that I do look exactly my age, probably even older thinking how all the women MY age claim to look younger than they are :rolleyes:.) It shows that our society places a huge emphasis on youth, not just men do but even women do, yet women are supposed to be "above" it and not be insecure about it? Makes no sense. :rolleyes:


As for the thread question, 21 and 27 is not that much of a difference, but it's definitely true that a man would choose a 21 year old over a 30 or 40 year old.


NN, the funny thing is that the same men that tell them to "get over it" and how such a good boyfriend or husband their man is, they are angry if a woman wants to break up with a man due to his preferences. :confused: WHy would that make them so angry? I mean, okay, he wants teenagers. She most likely wants to be with a man that doesn't like teenagers. Breaking up seems like the solution. He is free to pursue the kind of females he really wants and she is free to look for the kind of relationship that would better suit her. Whats the harm?


And NN, I love your avatar. :)

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With all of these threads, I feel like I really should have just given up hope on dating when I turned 29 or something. Obviously, at 34, I must be ugly and undesirable, since I am a washed up old hag.


There is no way any one could be interested in me at all. I am so "old."

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can a 27 year old still be attractive enough to compete for the same men as a 21 year old?


Of course. Depends on the individuals involved and so on, but of course it can happen.

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As for the thread question, 21 and 27 is not that much of a difference, but it's definitely true that a man would choose a 21 year old over a 30 or 40 year old.


There you go again with your screwed up view of reality. 3/4 of all married couples have a spouse that's within +- 5 years of their age.

Married Couples by Differences in Ages Between Husband and Wife: 1999 statistics - USA Census numbers

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With all of these threads, I feel like I really should have just given up hope on dating when I turned 29 or something. Obviously, at 34, I must be ugly and undesirable, since I am a washed up old hag.


There is no way any one could be interested in me at all. I am so "old."


So, what are you doing later? ;)


I'm 29 and I think 34 is about the perfect age for me. It's all relative.

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People would keep driving their old car until it broke down if getting rid of it could cost them a substantial portion of their assets.


How often do you inhale your cars exhaust? I'm betting daily.

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is it possible for me to pass for 21? I feel very insecure around younger girls. Especially the ones in their late teens


Would be kinda hard for anyone to answer that considering you have no pic on your profile, nor any links to somewhere where there would be one.

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Why are you insecure?

Because society is obsessed with youth. Men like very young women and I am getting older. And seeing a teenager reminds me that my youth is coming to an end..I feel like I have to compete with these very young girls for the same guys. I know a lot of men are checking them out and noticing them. Some of them have even more developed bodies than I do. It makes me feel awful

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Because society is obsessed with youth. Men like very young women and I am getting older.


This is a misconception on your part in my opinion. Men are attracted to women they find attractive, and I don't just mean physically. I'm 32 and what I find attractive has changed as I've gotten older. If I see a woman that appears younger than 24 or 25, I usually pay her no mind. I have nothing in common with the vast majority of women younger than that. I don't care how pretty you are, if I can't relate to you nothing is going to happen.


For me confidence, strength of will, outgoingness, Joyfulness, & life experiences are just as important as physical appearance.



In my opinion, you need to be able to say, this is who I am if you don't like it, move along. If you are constantly worried about being replace, you will never be happy and neither will your partner.

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Because society is obsessed with youth. Men like very young women and I am getting older. And seeing a teenager reminds me that my youth is coming to an end..I feel like I have to compete with these very young girls for the same guys. I know a lot of men are checking them out and noticing them. Some of them have even more developed bodies than I do. It makes me feel awful


What kind of man are you looking for?


Can you describe the kind of guy you wish to attract?

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Why would any woman want to compete with another woman? If you have to compete, you're already the loser.


That's what I think. And if you are buying into the pathetic notion that the ONLY thing you bring to the table of a relationship is your youth and physical attributes, you are doomed to lose no matter what age you are.


I suggest you forget about this mess and start to work on developing yourself as a person. If you really are a 27 year old whose big concern is whether or not you can "compete" with 21 year old women, it sounds like you have some giant holes in your life.

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Why would any woman want to compete with another woman? If you have to compete, you're already the loser.

Because not everyone is made the same, have as much life experience as you have or not as smart in some areas as you are. I am sure she has her strong points.

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