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Getting Married!!!!


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My fiance' and I went last Sunday and put a set of wedding rings down on layaway!!! I will have them off by the end of next week! I felt like wow we are really going to do it! Finally!!! It now feels official!


Just for background: I am 18 he's 21. We have been together for over 3 years, have a 2 1/2 year old daughter and I am pregnant with our 2nd child.


We were talking on Tuesday night and this is what we decided: I have always wanted a big white wedding and all that (and still do) but, I also told myself that we would be married before we had another child. Now I only have until March until I have this baby and we do not have the money for a big wedding right now. Because we still need stuff for the baby and our own place. (we live with his mother right now)


I love him very much and want to be married to him! So this is the idea we had... We decided to get married in the court house and when we have the money, have a wedding to renew our vows!


I think it is a good idea but, I still can't imagine getting married and not having a wedding.


We have decided to wait about a month so we can get our own place to come home to after we get married. I am very very excited!!! I haven't really discussed all this with parents and other family members but, I think it is best if we are married when our child is born.


Well sorry this is so long! Just really excited!!!!



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Well, I am very excited for you as well!!!


I think your idea of putting of the BIG wedding is very practical. Having two children can take a lot of money. I'm not suggesting you wait many years, but I know of lots of couples who didn't have big weddings right off but who actually had them 20 years later.


It's very good that you are thinking about home and children, the important things in your life right now. A big wedding can wait. And while we all dream of having that very special day, it goes by quickly and all we have left are the memories, very expensive pictures and the bills for the reception hall, caterer, honeymoon, etc. Right now, the dreams are just as good as the memories will be.


You'll be able to do all that later. Right now, you're absolutely doing the right thing and I'm very proud of you. You really sound like you have a great head on your shoulders...I hope your fiance thinks somewhat like you do. Good luck with your marriage and your new baby.

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thank you very much for the kind words! At first I didn't know if I was doing the right thing but, now I know I am! My children having a happy home is far more important than having a fancy wedding! Thank you all very much!


I will keep you updated!



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