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Obsessed with ex's ex!!

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Hey everyone

I've read some of the messages with a similar tittle to mine and I want to express my own personal "problems". So, (this is the first time I kind of admitt this "out loud") I'm obsessed with my ex-boyfriend's ex. He and I started dating right after they broke up. I already knew him from high school, right before they started dating, which took about 2 years. He was member of a friend's band and the two of them were known for the "companionship relation", it was cute at the time. They were besties and each other's lover. Since he and I started dating, I was always really jealous of their relationship 'cause they did all this amazing stuff together that I knew we wouldn't be able to do (my family is very strict in terms of me dating). I became very obsessed with her when I knew stuff about her, for instance: she liked A LOT of things I liked as well. When she creatd a fb account, I would stalk her from my bf account and I would see a lot of posts that well, could be my own. It freaked my out at the time! I became a bit of obsessing with being friends with her because she is so similar to me in such ways and I never had a friend who was a lot like me 'cause I always thought I was a bit strange myself (equal taste in music, fashion, art, etc). Recently, he and I broke up because our relationship was getting too tiring. We were always arguing and stuff it reached a point it wasn't really healthy and good for us, so I broke up. At the moment I thought this could be one of the reasons we broke up because she dates someone new and they're relationship seem amazing but then, after I really thought about it, it had nothing to do with it. Little time after that, I went to her college with a friend and actually said hello to her and she and I started talking, she gave me her number. We talked the whole day via text msg and fb but then, we never spoke again but I STILL feel the same way, like I really wanna be friends with her but don't wanna seem like a stalker or something.


Sorry for the long post but I really need opinions on this, 'cause I don't wanna be obsessive with her to the point she thinks I'm crazy for her or smth, I really hope she doesn't think that already!



Edited by lovely57
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