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Did I ruin it?

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I am friends with this guy at work, and I think I'm in love with him. He seemed to have feelings for me too but often blew hot and cold. I tend to overanalyze how people behave, so I asked him (on a few occasions) if he was okay or commented that he was quiet. A month ago, I left work. He texted me the week after I left, and I asked him if he would like to go out (we had lunch and breaks together at work) but he took one week to answer and told me he was really busy but that we could plan something in two weeks. It felt like he was blowing me off, and he never bothered texting me again. I'm also fairly certain that he knows I have feelings for him. I returned to the same workplace this week and I was hurt by his behaviour. In an effort to protect my feelings, I tried to speak to him as little as possible and didn't get him for our usual breaks. The problem is that I probably seemed like a total bitch. He tried talking to me on several occasions and I politely answered but never kept the conversation going and smiled very little. I later sent him a text apologizing for behaving that way, but I'm really worried that I'm too dramatic/emotional and that even if he does like me, it would be a deal-breaker.

Am I right or am I overthinking things once again?

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To be honest, instead of making all of these assumptions about his behaviour and playing games like that (not speaking to him and not smiling when you normally would), why don't you just be honest and tell him you like him and see what he says? Of course you could get hurt, but aren't you kind of feeling hurt right now by not knowing?

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I'm just worried about his reaction...if he doesn't feel the same way and it gets awkward, I'm stuck near him all the time. I guess you're right though, it couldn't be any worse than it is now.

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