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Why do I get jealous so easily?

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There's this girl I'm pretty sure has feelings for me.


The thing is, almost everyday I get jealous over SOMETHING and convince myself I was wrong and she doesn't like me.


Before she came to college she kept to herself, and now that she is at a dorming colllege (where I met her), she's a social butterfly and has plenty of friends.


She's incredibly friendly and easy going, easy to make her laugh. So whenever she interacts with a guy, especially one I don't know, and he's just cracking her up and or in a deep conversation with her, I get so jealous. Not angry jealous, but more "sad" jealous where I reflect on myself and wonder why in the world she would pick me with all her options.


I'm sure this will die down when we start dating as I don't have to wonder how she feels about me, and I KNOW deep down she is just VERY friendly and doesn't flirt consciously, it still drives me crazy at times...


Any mental exercises to fight this off? This is the main reason why I go hot&cold on her and this relationship keeps getting delayed in my mind...

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