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infatuation or love?


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Your the only one that can tell your self that look inside yourself and you will find all the answers that you need

I like this guy and can't stop thinking about him his friends tell me that he keeps talking about me. I want to know if I like him or is it just a stupid infatuation


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If you personally know him well and actually like his personality then you may really like him. However, if you only like his looks and what he stands for, such as popularity etc. it may only be infatuation. I wouldn't go so far as to say you love him, other than the love you may feel for everyone. Take your time, your heart will lead you in the right direction. Thanx for the advice. I have a problem trusting anyone, even my parents.

Your the only one that can tell your self that look inside yourself and you will find all the answers that you need
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