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lying to your spouse

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I do not think a white lie is acceptable if one is saying that we should not lie. A lie is a lie. White lies can easily be slippery slopes to greater lies.


Now, there is the line of "is this helpful or hurtful". Just because I wake up grumpy and the look on my SO face is annoying me at that moment expressing that does not make it a "truth" so saying it does not make it truthful or factual.


But I have learned that honesty is better even with the white lies though we have both learned to preface it with, "are you wanting the full honest answer/are you sure you want to discuss this" before addressing the question.

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Yes, we strong confident assured women (bitches to you) have regular meetings to decide on strategies and work-plans to absolutely ruin the dynamics of our relationships in order to create as much inconvenience to men as possible.


You've found us out. :rolleyes:


No one ever said that women made this policy. I certainly did not.


I am laughing out loud right now. You are too funny.


This is why women have never and will never really take an equal place in developed nations. As they gain confidence and status, they do not gain the ability to reason and discuss things logically. Empirical evidence, proof, data, following line of reasoning, etc. Sarcasm is not a proper response to a sociological discussion like this. At least not to a man.


Passion is fine. Expressing ignorance is allowed too in a free and open society. But put them together and you have nothing but LS at its worst.


Congrats ladies. You are representative of your gender.

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My H and I like a lot of intimacy and connection, so we are open and honest. Can't say we even apply diplomacy by omitting things. We love and trust each other and respect each other's opinions, and both of us appreciate hearing the truth even when it is not what we wish. Neither of us feel the need for diplomacy or tact with each other, since we are able to communicate well with each other and our love and care shows through even when the message is negative. If we speak out of impatience or irritation, we always apologize - although we know each other well enough to recognize where those words were coming from.


You are quite lucky and very clearly in the minority on this.

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