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Could He Really Like Me?

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Ok, where should I start?


I liked this guy for a very long time and we are friends. I have liked him almost for a year. He stares at me alot, and flirts with other girls to get my attention. When he is with these other girls he always puts his arm around them, turns around and looks at me and smiles. He knows it bugs me because one day I tryed to turn around and pretend it didn't bother me, but he saw the expression on my face. I looked like I was ticked off. A few of my friends think that he likes me, but some of my other friends say that he doesn't want a girlfriend and that I should just move on, but I tryed moving on, and belive me it doesn't work. Also, since he was always flirting with the other girls, I decided I was going to give him a taste of his own medicine and I went and flirted with a guy that was around. It really made the guy I like mad. He give me the dirrtest look ever! My friend was there to see this too. So, then he didn't let that go and he came over to me and then he started saying that I like the guy I flirted with. He even went over to the guy and asked him out for me. I kept telling him that I didn't like the guy I flirted with. He just kept bugging me, but it only lasted that class and then he left it alone. But he did flirt with me the whole time he bugged me. Then one day my best friend told him that I liked him cuz he was goofing off and she just told him that she couldn't belive that I liked him. When she told him that, he totally froze. He didn't say anything to her, just froze. So, then he started getting worse. He flirted more, and the girls he flirted with are my friends. And he hates my best friend and he started flirting with her....only when I was watching!

So, now Iam at the point that I don't know what to do. What can I do?

I know alot of you have great advice, so, I hope you can help me.


Also he seems shy around me sometimes. But when he's around the girls he flirts with and Iam around he will say something so, that I know that he doesn't like them more then just a friend. It's weird. Strange. I just hope that if I had or still have a chance that I didn't lose it. Please help!


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No offense lass, but he sounds like a jerk. Why do you want to be with a guy like that? He sounds hatefully immature. Perhaps you should do as your wise friends suggested, and move onto another boy project.

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how old are you guys? you sound really young, since this is all very immature behavior. one of you needs to get some guts and just ask straight out if there is any interest in dating the other. I think you are going to have to be the one to acquire some guts, because he isn't showing any signs of heading that direction. The way he plays games does not make him seem like ideal relationship material..you might just wanna move on.

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We both are 15 years old. I have a hard time talking to him, cuz sometimes I really don't know what to say to him. What can I say to him? Any ideas?

I noticed he doesn't like to say cya or goodbye to me to, if I talk to him like on msn or chat he just disappears. Iam wondering alot though now, because he seems to be hinting to me to ask him to hang around now. The thing is I don't have the guts to do so. I know that he can act like a jerk, but he doesn't always act like that. He can be very nice. It's just at school how he acts like a jerk, but he is nice once in a while at school.

Thanks, for your help!


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