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My husband cheated on me with someone at work,they have stopped the affair and he swears he loves me and wants to be with me. I hate the fact they still work togather,he is the boss and cannot fire her for obvious reasons, he is looking for other work but could take a while, any advice.

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hee hee hee....are you friendly with HIS boss? Go to his boss, and rat him out :mad: They'll both get fired :mad:


I have no sympothy for someone who'd cheat on their spouse :mad:


Then, once you get him fired, leave him :D

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I don't think that would do much good but cause more drama @home. Do you want him back after he's cheated? Him changing jobs is a good idea but since he cheated once what's going to stop him from doing it again if he meets someone @his new job that he's attracted to?

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We have had a great marriage, we stopped talking and drifted, I do think ter is hope but I obsess over her and want to secretly get her fired or make her leave the job so I can move on, i called her 10 million times and she will not return calls, he says they do not really speak to each other in the office but how can i belive that. I has begged me to stop harraasing her he is very fearful of fetting caught. Iwant revenge!

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Originally posted by No1_ImPoRtAnT_2U

I don't think that would do much good but cause more drama @home. Do you want him back after he's cheated? Him changing jobs is a good idea but since he cheated once what's going to stop him from doing it again if he meets someone @his new job that he's attracted to?


who knows! I guess there is a chance but everyting is going really well with us know, i just want her toleave her job.

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I don't think it's a good idea to harrass her. For one thing, she didn't do anything more wrong than your husband did, and how would you like it if someone purposely tried to get HIM fired? What if she has children? Do you really want to be that selfish? Secondly, if you keep harrassing her, she may get a restraining order on you. Help him find another job if you still want to try with him, and then leave it be.

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