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Lying spouse,please advise me!!!


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Someone please help me!! I am not sure what to do about my fiancee.He is starting to remind me of a compulsive liar.I have caught him in numerous lies in the 4 years that we have been together.Sometimes when he gets caught,if I badger him enough he will tell me the truth.Other times,he swears that everyone else is lying and he is the only one telling the truth.The most recent incident occured within the last week.He went to a bachelor party for his brother,and when he came home he told me that there were 2 strippers there.(No big deal to me)Until I find out that the girls were performing oral sex on each other right there in the middle of this party.I also found out from the same source that there were 3 girls not 2.He told me that night when he came home,that he was holding one of the girls' money for her because the were a couple of very rude men there.(One actually slapped one of the dancers!)Well,him holding her money was no big deal to me,until I find out that he left out some details.Once I found out he lied to me the whole situation was very different.He also told me that the girls had their bottoms on the whole time,not possible if they were doing what they were really doing!!Now what I can't understand,is if he was doing nothing wrong,then why not tell me the whole truth??Isn't it better to tell the truth and risk me getting a little upset,than getting caught in a huge lie,and end up breaking up over it??I figure that if he loves me the way he says that he does than he should have no problems telling me anything,whether I may get upset over it or not.I have already told him that we are through,and he needs to move out,now what do I do now?We have children together,and were planning on getting married next June.But how can I honestly marry a man that finds it so easy to lie to me??Any advice,PLEASE!!!!!!!

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My ex lied to me CONSTANTLY and denied it, even when I had hard proof of his lies. For the longest time I put up with it, until I finally decided that I'd rather be alone than be miserable and treated that badly. Now I'm in a relationship with someone I really trust, and wondering why I ever held out as long as I did.

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The trust has been broken. I don't know why he wouldn't tell the whole truth. Unless of course he feels you would have flipped out and he wanted to avoid that mess and hoped you would never find out the truth. Either that or he is hiding something.

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