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what do i do?


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okay let me get straight to the point i like this boy i've knowed him forever and i know he likes me but he won't tell me so i told him i had to talk to him about something a while back but i never got around to doing it so when i called him the other day he asked me about it and i told him i would tell him in person then he asked me if he cuold guess and i told him if he guessed right i would tell him and he did guess right he did guess right he said do u like someone i didn't tell him whether he was right or wrong i just told him i would tell him when i saw him next weekend.


now he knows that i like him i know he likes me too but i feel like he should be the one telling me he likes me first not the other way around thats what boys are suppose to do so wanna call him up and tell forget about what i hhad to talk to him about am i doing the right thing?

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I think we live in a different time when sometimes its OK for a girl to tell a guy how she feels about him but not too soon because if you tell the other person too soon they sort of get turned off by that I would wait a while to tell him anything like that but I would certainly go out with him I think you have a lot of time to get to know the skills of timing etc those guessing games that you were playing with him are a little childish I think but it makes things sort of interesting I am sure he knows probably what you were going to tell him anyway he is probably pretty sharp why don't you just enjoy him and his company for now and let him know how you feel later on when you have seen him more I wouldn't call him up and tell him to forget anything just hope he forgets if he doesn't and brings it up tell him that you forgot what it was but when you remember you will tell him


It is so much easier to write without worrying about punctuation I dont know where you learned to do that but it really is a labor saving device and it makes your brain think about where one sentence ends and another begins I wish you a lot of luck with this guy and the situation just remember not to tell him too much too soon be a challenge and keep him guessing write him lots of Email and never use punctuation he will love you for that the energy you save not using periods commas and other stuff you can use for having great sex

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Hi Caramel,


How old are you? I really hope you're in high school or younger; otherwise you're being kind of immature by playing mind games with this guy. Many of my guy friends are turned off by that.


The thing that bothered me the most about your post was


" i feel like he should be the one telling me he likes me...thats what boys are suppose to do".


Who says? You should act based on your feelings, not what other people say.


If you think he likes you, just call him up or go up to him and talk to him. Actually you said you know he likes you, so what are you waiting for?


I'm a girl and yeah sometimes I've waited for a guy to tell me they like me, but other times, I can tell they like me, and I'll just approach them and let them know that I'm interested in them..that I want to get to know them better, or that maybe we can hang out..grab some lunch...etc.


You could try doing that. A lot of the time, the guy might be shy or he might be scared that you don't like him back.



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