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Signs Of A Guy

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How do you know how to read signs that a guy likes you back? Is there a certain way he acts?


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The approach is personal. The questions may be obvious but most important - how does the contact make you feel. Use your instincts.

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how about you tell us if a girl likes a guy because the guy is supposed to ask for the number the girl can just sit pretty.


What is some signs of interest from a girl?

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There really isn't one certain way to find out if a guy/girl likes the other. Everyone is different we react different ways to different situations. For example....when I like someone I like to look at them when they don't know it, and usually when they glance and catch me staring I look away.....however, the first time I met the guy that I am talking to right now (we're not officially bf/gf yet) I was pretty much drooling over him, I stared at him every chance I got.....when I'd look away he said that he thought I didn't like him, so I was actually sending a good signal but he read it as a negative one. He had no idea that it meant the complete opposite until I finally told him.



I do however think that guys are probably much easier to read then girls....I notice that he's always smiling at me, he loves to make eye contact any chance he can, he welcomes my phone calls, he's always there to support me when I'm not feeling so good, he asks me questions about my family how they are doing and stuff like that which shows that he cares, when he looks at me he always has a HUGE smile on his face, whenever we are together he doesn't get over a foot away from me and usually we are touching in some way....holding hands, hugging or sitting side by side. I'm not saying that every guy is like this but I think that when a guy really cares for a girl he shows it.....unless he is on the shy side.



Just think about how you act when you're around someone that you like.....it's about the same for both male and female. If you have male friends compare the way he acts around you to the way they act around you....I'm sure it will be very different he loves you. Also....watch the way he treats his other friends....that sometimes "tells the tell." Think about the way he makes you feel....that should give you your answer.....

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