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i'm stressing..am i being stupid?


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so..here's the story...i posted a thread early this morning. at about 1:30 am. i wanted to know if anyone had any advice. i know it was a long story, but i felt i couldn't leave out any details.


what i want to know is...this guy i have been talking to and finally met on saturday. i talked to him for 5 minutes on sunday, i asked him if he had a good time, he said " yes i did, i told you that last night. i had a great time." Anyway, he had to go out of town for two days,. i called him last night, he said he was going to kentucky for business and he'd be back later in the week. thurs or fri, i think he said. he said he would call me from louisville, KY. he's always traveling because of work. I stupidly said..no it's o.k. you don't have to, he sounded really confused. he's was like..i don't get it. i said "i don't want you to feel obligated to call me." he was really confused and like an idiot i kept repeating myself. finally i said forget it, i'm probably sounding really weird. i told him i ws just in a weird mood. now i feel bad because i told him not to call, and i kept on mentioning it to him. I told him i was going up to gainesville again this weekend. i have to go cause i have an appointment up there on monday. so i am not going just as an excuse to see him. that's where i moved from 1 year ago. i have friends up there. he's from tallahassee. i told him i'd be up there and i asked if he wanted to do something. he said great! he said that sounded good. He asked me what day we would do something, i told him probably on sunday. he said..o.k. i'll talk to you sometime this week so we can figure out what we are going to do.



So..now i'm stressing. i feel really bad cause i kept telling him to not call me. should i email him and apologize for acting like an idiot or should i just wait till i talk to him later on this week. And what if he doesn't call me? I mean..i know i'm being stupid. i am really scared of getting hurt. i just got out of a 6 year relationship about a year ago.



i don't want to rush things.




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Just send him an email telling him you're looking forward to seeing him on Sunday and when he has time for him to contact you so you two can work out the schedule.

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I say email him and tell him you didn't mean to sound like you didn't want him to call you! Tell him you didn't want to make him feel like you expected him to take time from his busy schedule to call you.


Sounds like a good sign that he offered to call you. Just clear it up so you can stop stressing and you weren't being stupid, just sounds like you were nervous and trying to make a good impression!

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Thanks you guys. I really appreciate it. i've been going stir crazy! i guess i will send him an email. i'm thinking it won't hurt.


You are both right.




Thanks for the advice......I REALLY NEEDED IT!

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