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Does He Want to be Friends? or Does He "Like" Me?

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Okay, let me start at the beginning. A year ago I met this guy in my Japanese class, from the beginning he would tease me in a flirty kind of way (He does this with a LOT of girls, and is really extroverted(sp?)).


He would try to talk to me, asking pointless questions ranging from what cereal I ate to what was my fave. video game. I thought he was so annoying.


But by December I started to like him, and noticed we have a lot in common. Now I have a really bad crush on him -_-.


We talk every day on instant messenger and stuff, but I'm not sure if he likes me or just wants to be friends.


What should I do?

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1) Bold: Ask him out for something nonthreatening -- like going to get lunch together or something. At lunch, work up the courage to ask for more definite progress: So, do you want to do something this weekend?


2) Less Bold: Drop a BIG hint. Say, in a teasing way, something like: Gee, that sounds a lot like flirting. You're not gonna ask me out are you? If he dodges a hint like that, he's not interested.


3) Least Bold: Laugh at his jokes, bat your eyes, touch his arm when he's near you, and say, when he mentions doing something you like too, "that'd be fun to do together sometime." That's the usual way, Dear :).


-- uriel

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I say you ask him!!!! If not while you are looking for signs another smart-witted girl might steal him!!!! ;)

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2) Less Bold: Drop a BIG hint. Say, in a teasing way, something like: Gee, that sounds a lot like flirting. You're not gonna ask me out are you? If he dodges a hint like that, he's not interested.


He may take this the wrong way, though, and say to himself...


"Uh oh ... yeah, I woulda liked to take you out, but apparently you don't seem to want to be asked that, so I'll back off."


The radar for males can be really bad on times, and sometimes, can be misread.





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