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How Do I Flirt "Nicely" with The Girls at My Highschool? :)


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dear girls,if i were a kid in ur class,id like to give you a small compliment or a flirt which wont let you know that i like you,but at the same time gives a good expression of myself,you know it will be nice.


i want examples. the name would be (kathy),



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I don't understand what you want advice for...



"dear girls,if i were a kid in ur class,id like to give you a small compliment or a flirt which wont let you know that i like you,but at the same time gives a good expression of myself,you know it will be nice."


Can you clarify this for me? I'd like to help, but I can't if I don't know what you're saying. :-)

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Sounds like he is looking for a way to come on to school girls without scaring them!

Creepy! How old are you and are you referring to high school, middle school, or college age girls??? And how old are you?

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well im in the 10th grade,and i dont scare girls,but i dont want to let any words slip unintensionally,but i want a few examples like:

hey karen,nice ...

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OOH o.k. I understand, now. ;-)


Alright, here's the DL: pick up lines do not work. lol.


Be yourself. If she doesn't like your personality when you're not trying to be witty, then just don't bother with her.


Intoduce yourself, be like, "Hey woman, you got a FINE rear on you. I'm Rick James Bee-atch!"


Just kidding. Don't really do that. lol. I'm tired, I apologise.


Anyway, ask her to sit with you at lunch so you can talk about something from class. If she likes you, she'll probably take you up on it.

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Just treat them like you do your "friends." Talk about the class, the teacher, something that happened to you at lunch, etc. At that age (or any age, really, but these are your classmates - your peers - who you see every day), you don't need to anything special to talk to girls.


I don't know about other girls, but I always knew when a guy was flirting, even when he wasn't obvious about it. They would just talk to me about everyday things - so go with that. It usually works.

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well,i appreciate ur help,but if you checkout my classmates,


huh,youll laugh till you hit ur closet,they want the perfect


guy,when you talk to them they think you wanna be agressive,thats

why i asked you"without them knowing..."


see,thats what i mean,i would prefer more pickup lines



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I dated a lot of girls when I was in high school... a whole whooping 3 years ago...


honestly I never had to use a pickup line, if you want to get involved with a girl, talk to her, get to know her a little and then take her out somewhere casual good ideas are local pizza shop: not a corporate place, a nice little mom and pop shop, preferably one with good food. But man, pickup lines are stale, they're good for a laugh but thats about it. None of the ladies I know fall for 'em.


Just chat that girls up man, if they're interested you'll be able to tell. Work from there, there is no guide book, gotta learn on your own.

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i should point out that I somehow managed to miss that part of text in bold letters that said "A question for school girls"


In that light I feel I must point out that while I am in school(college) I am NOT a girl.

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