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What to do???


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A couple of days ago my sister walked in on me sitting on top of my boyfriend making out! (Keep in mind, she is 10 yrs. older than me) She stood at the doorway and mouthed "Your gonna get!", pointing to the room where my parents were. I haven't talked to her since, mainly 'cause I want to ignore her and try not to get a scolding from her. I have no idea if she has told my mom, but if she had I think my mom would have killed me by now! What should I do?? Talk to her about what happened?? Or wait till she yells at me?? I need to resolve this problem, it is making me go insane not to mention that this is incredibly embarassing!! What do you think??? oh What to do?? What to do??

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Stop awfulizing about this. It seems your sister pointed to your parents room as if to warn you that they might find out what you were doing. That would indicate your sister was trying to protect you from the wrath of your parents and she will keep her mouth shut about the incident.


Tell your sis you appreciate her not saying anything to mom and dad and assure her you will be more discrete in your indiscretions in the future.


It may be wise to pick another venue to sit on top of your boyfriend.

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Don't try to ignore your sister. Maybe you two can bond


and get closer by it. Just talk to her about what happened if that makes you feel better. If you were embarrassed, then more than likely she was a little embarrassed walking in on you two, and she won't mention it.


Unless you and your sister hate each other, I doubt she'll


try to get you in trouble on purpose by telling your parents. Would you tell your parents if you caught her?


I'd just be careful about where you make out with your boyfriend. If it's in your parent's house and you don't pay the rent or anything, try to be more considerate. If you're going to do it in your bedroom, why not lock the door? Are you allowed to have him over at your house? If not, you're running risk of getting caught and getting in trouble. So better yet, get freaky with him elsewhere.


When I was in high school and really stupid, my sister walked into my room and caught me and my boyfriend totally naked, having sex, that was pretty embarrassing. But she never said a word and we both never brought it again.


But I'm more careful about these things now. One guy I dated wouldn't have sex with girls in his parents' house because he felt it was disrespectful to his parents.


So if you're sneaking this guy in and he's not supposed to be there, be careful and be more considerate of the people around you. I don't know the whole situation, but I hope this helps. How are things with your sister?

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