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yeah, it's true


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Plain and simple: I hate men! They are lyers, they mess with your head, the use you, they never call when they say they will, they're always broke, they take and we give, they tell you they love you only when you say it first, they're "too shy" to talk to your friends, they never show you affection other than in the bedroom, they always get jealous, they never want to dance, they forget your anniversary, they take you to McDonald's for a nice night out, they only whatch action movies and they never compliment you unless you hint at it.


Plain and simple: that's why we can't get enough of em? How bitter sweet.

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So now that you've mentioned all the great aspects of the male species, I think it's fair that you list a few of their bad points as well. It sounds like you've really got guys pegged pretty good. Some guys are some of those, others are all of them, but I think most fall somewhere in the middle, having good and bad qualities.


That's what love is all about. You fall madly in love with a guy so children can be conceived before you really find out about the negative stuff. By that time it's too late. Yeah, guys can be dorks sometimes...but don't you love it.


Now, on the other hand, when you girls meet a guy who is absolutely genuine, sweet and sincere, he bores you to death. There's just no pleasing you.


And what the hell is wrong with an evening at McDonalds before the girl takes us to the movies. The kid's meals are cheap, they have toys inside, and you can win scratch off prizes. Are you trying to tell me guys ought to take girls to Burger King instead?


I hate it since they got rid of the little chijuaua at Taco Bell.

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Plain and simple: I hate men! They are lyers, they mess with your head, the use you, they never call when they say they will, they're always broke, they take and we give, they tell you they love you only when you say it first, they're "too shy" to talk to your friends, they never show you affection other than in the bedroom, they always get jealous, they never want to dance, they forget your anniversary, they take you to McDonald's for a nice night out, they only whatch action movies and they never compliment you unless you hint at it. Plain and simple: that's why we can't get enough of em? How bitter sweet.

It's in the membership agreement.


Whoa.. said too much already.

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And what are women,saints????!!?


They lie too! They use you too! They flirt with you when they've got low self-esteem then dump you when they feel better.They always want something..to be entertained,to be the center of attention,to have money spent on them! They can't keep secrets,no matter how personal something is it's automatically circulated amongst all their girl friends!!


They call nice,caring,sweet guys as "being too boring" then in the breath complain that men are jerks. They always try to get a rise out of you by flirting with other men...so no wonder men are always jealous!!


You can never really know what a woman really wants,because she doesn't know it herself!!! So you're supposed to keep guessing and guessing until you get it right. You can never really deal with only one issue with women,since every issue is connected to every other issue,and heck,it's all the man's fault anyways. They nag, they talk too much at times,they change their personalities like those little robot action figures,they use your razor on their legs,they like Julia Roberts movies,they think soaps capture real life accurately and worse of all, they always think they have to compete with you!!!


So please,give me and the rest of the Male species a break. Despite all I wrote,I LIKE women,I LOVE women. But I know to be careful around them.


( Back at you!!!!)

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Plain and simple: I love men! It's not luck, I'm just choosy on who I date. Even though I've met quite a few jerks in my short lifetime, I've also met some wonderful guys. My life would be kind of unexciting without you men.


It sounds like you've met all the wrong ones. Look for the total opposite. Maybe the real nice guys are right there under your nose, and you fail to see them because your head is clouded with this perception that all guys are jerks.


Most guys I know..half of them are very confident and don't get jealous, are always willing to pay BUT I choose to pay, some are romantic; even the very macho ones will come watch a mushy movie with me if we compromise. I know some single ones I can introduce you to, if you like.


It's all about compromise; if i don't act like a b*tch, they do their best not to act like a jerk.


As for Mcdonalds and fast food, there's nothing wrong with it. There have been a few times when a boyfriend was trying to 'wine and dine' me at some expensive place, but I chose fast food instead of having a 2 hour meal, so that we could take the food back to his place cause we couldn't wait to be alone *wink*


Besides, I love men. I love the way they look, walk, talk, dress, feel, their sense of humor, etc etc the list goes on.


Don't let a few bad apples deter you.

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Just a guy who hates seeing women bitch about this
Plain and simple: I hate men! They are lyers, they mess with your head,

girls are the undisputed chapmions of this

the use you,

of this too

they never call when they say they will,

and girls are 100% honest

they're always broke,

stop dating unemployed men

they take and we give,

just like the wedding ring thing, right?

they tell you they love you only when you say it first,

cause the "L" word scares girls off

they're "too shy" to talk to your friends,

he doesn't want to be with your friends, he wants to be with you

they never show you affection other than in the bedroom,

girls expect guys to be affectionate every moment of every day

they always get jealous,

women get more jealous than men could ever be

they never want to dance,

cause they don't know how more often than not

they forget your anniversary,

women expect men to remember the 1-week anniversary, the 1 month anniversary, the 6-month anniversary, the first kiss anniversary, the first time we had sex anniversary, the my cat died anniversary, the my car got hit be the old hag at the mall anniversary. get the point?


they take you to

McDonald's for a nice night out,

Sometimes Mickey D's is the nicest place in town


they only whatch

action movies

stop dating guys who only like action movies

and they never compliment you unless you hint at it.

just the fact that someone would want to go out with a whiner like you should be all the compliment you need

Plain and simple: that's why we can't get enough of em? How bitter sweet.

Plain and simple, you need to stop getting men from the bottom of the barrel.

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Seems to me that if you've run into a string of this type of men, you're looking in the wrong place, or repeating the same actions that failed you before.


I've known far too many kind, honest, gentle men to buy into such a wide generalization of their badness.


Perhaps taking a few minutes to scroll through some of the sweet fellows posting here on the shack will help you... men have hearts and hurts too... and sometimes they also fall in love with the wrong ones.


But then again, maybe you just needed to let off steam... either way, I hope you find the way to better love. It really can be grand.

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Men and women are different and we don't understand each other too well. That is why there are so many books out there like "Men are from Mars," etc. But bad character is bad character, male or female. Men have not cornered the market on lying or cheating. It's about people, the rest is details.

Plain and simple: I hate men! They are lyers, they mess with your head, the use you, they never call when they say they will, they're always broke, they take and we give, they tell you they love you only when you say it first, they're "too shy" to talk to your friends, they never show you affection other than in the bedroom, they always get jealous, they never want to dance, they forget your anniversary, they take you to McDonald's for a nice night out, they only whatch action movies and they never compliment you unless you hint at it. Plain and simple: that's why we can't get enough of em? How bitter sweet.
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Hey Man...


You made some good points about both sexes.


I am a woman, and tend to get very jealous


and expect too much out of a guy.


Sometimes a man's logic can be humerously ammusing!


When I think of all the dumb fights that I had with my boyfriend(s), for this reason or that, I wish that I would have let their logic come out..


Women have to stop being such dumb feminists and listen up!


And on teh same accord, the men can take some lessons


at being sensitive to our needs.


A few weeks ago, I heard that wives should never tell their husbands something - unless they want it 'fixed' -


I think that we could all learn a lesson from that:


1.Girls, tell your guys that you just want 'advice' on


something or for him JUST to listen... before you rattle off a problem


and guys..


2. If your girl is starting to tell you a problem, listen with an open heart, and then ask "do you want my opinion on that matter or a suggestion? ANd let them answer :)


Thanks again - Haydee

girls are the undisputed chapmions of this


of this too and girls are 100% honest stop dating unemployed men just like the wedding ring thing, right?


cause the "L" word scares girls off he doesn't want to be with your friends, he wants to be with you girls expect guys to be affectionate every moment of every day women get more jealous than men could ever be cause they don't know how more often than not women expect men to remember the 1-week anniversary, the 1 month anniversary, the 6-month anniversary, the first kiss anniversary, the first time we had sex anniversary, the my cat died anniversary, the my car got hit be the old hag at the mall anniversary. get the point? they take you to Sometimes Mickey D's is the nicest place in town they only whatch stop dating guys who only like action movies


just the fact that someone would want to go out with a whiner like you should be all the compliment you need Plain and simple, you need to stop getting men from the bottom of the barrel.

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