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Text Message From Ex - Bread Crumbs?

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Under The Radar

I understand that your relationship was not bad all of the time. In fact, as you know, rarely are things black and white in life. Many times there are deep gray areas and through our life experiences (as you have explained in some of your posts) we learn. I know that at some point you two had a lot of love. However, her highly abusive and unwarranted behaviour is not coming from a place of love. As you know, she has many issues she isn't even aware of and unfortunately you cannot rescue her. You have done the right thing in going NC and beginning the healing process. I know how hard this has been for you and in the end you will be a stronger person for it. I'm glad to see you are still posting and I hope, if needed, you will continue to do so in the future.

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Under The Radar

Hey Oliver,


How are you doing? Just wanted to check in and make sure you are ok. Hang in there and remember you haven't seen the best life has to offer you yet. You will get a good job, increase your network of friends, and find a beautiful woman who treats you well :)


Stay Strong,



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