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Would you tell someone they are being cheated on?

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I've heard a saying that the Betrayed Spouse is the last person to find out about they H's/W's affair.


I believe there is a lot of truth in it, as many people would find it hard to break such news to a BS.


If you knew someone who is being cheated on without knowing or knowing full facts, would you tell?

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I've heard a saying that the Betrayed Spouse is the last person to find out about they H's/W's affair.


I believe there is a lot of truth in it, as many people would find it hard to break such news to a BS.


If you knew someone who is being cheated on without knowing or knowing full facts, would you tell?


It would depend entirely on the relationship I have with the victim. If this was close friend or family member, then I likely would tell. But I wouldn't impose myself into someone else's life unless I was already a part of it.


On the low end of the spectrum, suppose they might work things out if left alone, but by talking you cause a big blow up and make things worse.


Consider a worst-case scenario. What if you talk and the next day there's a dead spouse? How would you feel then? When it comes to something like this you are playing with dynamite. Anything can happen and you are now directly involved and responsible.

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I've been there , done that. The phrase "don't shoot the messenger comes to mind."


I've been the BS, and said, if someone knew, I'd hope they"d tell.


I've been told, the truth and went on to try and save a relationship. The one that tells. gets shut out for telling. So, it's a lose , lose situation.


If you are adament about telling, send an anonymous letter, oh, with pics to prove. Even then, it's not necessarily enough, to wake up the blind in love types.


In my experience, until the person being cheated is ready to know the truth, they won't hear or see the truth anyway.


I'm sorry, but that's become my truth, due to what I've lived.

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One time I told my best friend growing-up that his girlfriend was coming on to me, he de-friended me IRL :(


But still, would tell... I hate to see people blatantly disrespected, and if I'm noticing it's already disrespectful.

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One time I told my best friend growing-up that his girlfriend was coming on to me, he de-friended me IRL :(


But still, would tell... I hate to see people blatantly disrespected, and if I'm noticing it's already disrespectful.


Same here with my sister and her now-husband. I didn't tell right away, because I was so exhausted; he went to her that night, and came up with some lie, and she believed him. Later on, when I didn't want him to come back here for Christmas, he actually told her to ask me why I didn't want him here. She then defended him and said I was delusional. They later broke up for a while (a few years later), when she found that he'd told my mother he was in love with me, and had never felt that way about her, but then they got back together, became engaged last year, and history has been rewritten by everyone but my dad and I. I'm a horrible person who has been trying to ruin my sisters' life (you know, after I walked away from her boyfriend when he tried to get me naked! and defended my sister to him), and he's a dream come true that she's now latched onto for life.


I think everyone else I knew about, knew it, too - the partner already suspected. My Uncle tried to catch his wife in the act, and my mother covered for her, because she was her sister.

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I do get blood ties and all, and they are of the strongest bond. I would probably verbally batter the family member into feeling guilty. I dunno... My family's family's are fledgling, time will tell. I'm the the only happy-single one left-just being patient.

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