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Why not me ?????

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I do not Understand



I have been dating this girl and am now engaged within an 18 month period of time. She and I have both dated many other people. It is apparent that she had some good and bad boyfriends. I am the only one that made a comittment and we have a great relationship.


But, her interest in sex has dwindled to maybe once a week. She has also had oral sex with me once or twice. I have had oral sex with her more times than I can count.


I guess I feel she is taken me for granted. I know she has had oral sex with guys before that were ****ty to her but why not me.


I am jealous that she was so concerned about the others guys feelings she instigated sex with them and had oral sex.


Please excuse the rambling but I do not know what to think.

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its a little harsh to whittle everything down to sex troubles, man. maybe she's wanting to take it slow for once...its not always a bad thing. who cares if she gave head more to her ex's, maybe she felt pressured into it, and isn't normally like that.


if you really feel it'll be an issue, turn off the hot water in your house and take hourly showers...or talk to her. i'm not sure how well that will go over, considering your argument is you dont get enough blowjobs. think of it this way...theres more to look forward to. play around with it...read a cosmo to find out how to get her riled up for the next big night, it might spice things up enough that she'll be wanting it more often.

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If it bothers you that much, you might suggest that you two go to a sex therapist about it.


Also, let her know that you don't just want her for sex, but it is important to you to be intimate with her. Ask her to give you head too. I dunno if you do that or not, and also, make sure you clean yourself before you ask her. She may say yes (or no).


Plus, sexual conflicts are a big deal. It's one of the biggest reasons why some couples have conflict. You should solve this before you get married...

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Originally posted by xeon124

Plus, sexual conflicts are a big deal. It's one of the biggest reasons why some couples have conflict. You should solve this before you get married...


you are a wise one! Sex issues were the beginning of the end of my marriage. I still haven't figured out ALL of the reasons for my declining interest, but you can bet that sex wasn't the real issue. And yes, my interest in sex declined before we were married.


You two need to delve deep into this one. Pre-marriage counseling would be a good move.

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