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Drifting apart?

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A couple months ago, I fell pretty hard for a girl I've known for over a year at work (we're both just two part time kids in retail while finishing up college). I really felt like there was a connection there, and I worked up the courage to ask her out, and after taking a couple weeks to think about it, she ultimately turned me down due to the amount of time she's devoting to finishing school up.


I was pretty sad for a while after that, but I had gotten better. Shockingly, our friendship didn't become awkward at all after that, and we kinda went back to normal. As much as I wish we could have more (and admittedly, I do still have lingering thoughts of her, as well of thoughts about if we could see where things are when she finishes school in a couple months), I still want to have that friendship.


The last few weeks, though, it kinda feels like we've started drifting apart. I don't think it's intentional at all. But she's had her schedule reduced quite a bit compared to the summer, so it seems like I don't get to work with her to hang out as much. She also seems busier with stuff at work (due to both customers and management occasionally giving her other tasks to work on), and she's taken a liking to the new manager guy. I don't suspect she's "into" him, as he's older and has a girlfriend, and that would just be kinda weird.


I dunno, I just... I miss our conversations, the goofy little shenanigans we'd get into, etc. I mean, when we have time together, we still have a good time, but it just seems like we rarely get that time together anymore.


Heck, I've even contemplated removing one of my own work schedule restrictions, just for the possibility that I might get to work with her more often than I do now, but on one hand, that seems kinda silly and possibly a bit crazy.


So, I dunno, I just miss what we had. I suspect when she finishes school in December, she'll probably get a better job shortly after, and I won't see her again anymore, but I hoped we could still enjoy these last couple months, yanno? Eh. I don't know...

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