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he has been acting weird since we had sex

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I have been talking to this guy for about a month and he told me he just wants to be friends (with benefits). However, he constantly gives me mixed signals. Last week we slept together and ever since then he has been blowing me off saying "maybe we can hang out" or "i don't know what I'm doing". Before I slept with him, we would hang out, now he just blows me off and doesn't text me for a few days and doesn't apologize. The thing is we still text more than we see each other. He usually initiates texting, not me. We end up texting the whole day, but we never actually hang out. I feel like he's just bored and looking for someone to entertain him.


Last week after we slept together and he blew me off once, he said, "you analyze and assume too much, and it gets under my skin." This really upset me because all I had said to him was that it seemed like there was something he wasn't telling me after he told me he was in a "weird mood". This is happening way too soon in this "relationship" for it to even be normal. He is already giving mixed signals and playing mind games with me. My question is, is he just keeping me on the back burner? We talk all the time but never hang out. I feel like he's just keeping me around in case nothing better comes along. Honestly, I know I'm way better than this guy and I could drop him like a hot potato. I think I'm holding on to the idea that maybe one day he'll be ready for a relationship.


He is 6 years younger than me, just got out of a relationship, is moody, and blows off our plans. All he cares about is hanging out with his friends and is obviously not ready for any type of dating. I am thinking I need to just move on. I am really bad at cutting ties with people and I'm sure he knows that since I keep talking to him. Every time he texts me its like he puts more false hope in my head that we will hang out. I'm so frustrated. I don't know how to make a clean break. I'm not sure if I should confront him without risking looking needy or anything. Every time I've ever said something he just says I'm analyzing it too much. What do I do?

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Listen to what he says. He wants FWB, dont let your mind over think it.


"I feel like he's just bored and looking for someone to entertain him"


He doesnt want anything more than FWB. Listen to what he says /\

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I've been in your situation once before with someone younger than I, just like you.


We would text all day long and he would toy with me and make it seem like he wanted to meet up but would always cancel, reschedule or just not show up at all.


Even if all you want is friends with benefits, it's important that they treat you with the respect you deserve as a person. Stop contact him and move on.



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All those bad gut feelings that you're getting about this situation are probably very spot on.


You know that you want and deserve better, move on to bigger and better things :)

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he said, "you analyze and assume too much, and it gets under my skin."


He seems to be correct. Look at this post, and compare it to the FACTS.


He doesn't want a "relationship" with you. He only wants sex. That's what FWB is. So there is no point in analyzing his words and actions to figure out what he means. It's all spelled out for you already.


And why would you WANT a relationship with someone who blows you off, gets annoyed if you share your feelings, doesn't care about your needs, and ignores you until he wants something from you?


If you respect yourself at all, you need to break it off and move on. Find someone who wants the same thing you want, and who respects and appreciates you.

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