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why wont she make time for me?!!

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ive got a problem with this old friend of mine.


we have been friends for nearly 2 years now and i have a deep respect for her.


thing is,since she left my friendship group due to a dispute with her former best friend,i havent been able to see her as much as i would like.shes a busy girl and i appreciate that she hasnt got alot of time spare.


however,im getting annoyed that every time i try to organise a meeting with her,she is alwas doing something.it almost like she got something to do every day.even when she says she can make it,she cancelled on me for a various reason.


im really upset as she is lovely girl whom i really like to hang out with.


should i just confront her with this?


any help thanks.



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If you've been friends for two years you shouldn't have a problem communicating this with her. Ask her what is going on.

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