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I love him (Religion Confliction)


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*sigh* I am very distraught and I don't know what to do, or how to approach this situation. Maybe someone can help me.


My BF and I have not been going out very long..a month or 2 , but we have known each other for 6 years. We have always been very good friends. Things started to progress past friendship awhile ago , but I always resisted because of one major thing. He was born and baptized very religious..he is a Jehovahs Witness. I was raised one, but at the age of 13 decided that it was no longer the path that I wanted to take. I didn't turn my back on it totally..but I stopped attending church and decided to no longer live my life according to the churchs standards. He as well has been having doubts and a lot of questions regarding whether or not he wants to continue on in the church.


Anyway....we have been together awhile now but he has always hesitated to tell his parents because they would not approve. My parents who are also part of the church , know and are supportive of us.


He told his parents today and they reacted horribly. They told him I was a bad person, I would only bring him down....etc etc. This upset him a lot. I feel so bad that he has to constantly defend me to everyone. I love him. And I want to be with him. But most of all I don't want to hurt him....and it seems that because of my choice to not pursue a certain religion, I am doing nothing but causing him hurt and sadness. He tells me this is not the case...but I can see it in his eyes that he is hurting and dosen't know what to do either. He says he wants to be with me..but at what cost? Love isin't supposed to cause so much hurt. What do I do? I find me questioning myself...am I good enough? I know im not a bad person. But now it seems like he is questioning our relationship and everything that we have done. I won't go back to the church and join it just because it would make things better. What can I do? I want to be with him...he wants to be with me, But this opposition from his parents is killing him inside. And tho I wouldn't tell him this, its hurting me also.


I feel like I should break up with him because that is what would be best for HIM. But at the same time , it would hurt me so much. Any suggestion?


Anyone been in this same situation?



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you did not say how old you are but if you two are old enough to date then you are old enough to decide if the love you to have is worth woking on also you may want to keep in mind that if you do decide to get together what may happen concerning the both of you on religion pray about your relationship and seek what God has for you because he knows what is best

*sigh* I am very distraught and I don't know what to do, or how to approach this situation. Maybe someone can help me. My BF and I have not been going out very long..a month or 2 , but we have known each other for 6 years. We have always been very good friends. Things started to progress past friendship awhile ago , but I always resisted because of one major thing. He was born and baptized very religious..he is a Jehovahs Witness. I was raised one, but at the age of 13 decided that it was no longer the path that I wanted to take. I didn't turn my back on it totally..but I stopped attending church and decided to no longer live my life according to the churchs standards. He as well has been having doubts and a lot of questions regarding whether or not he wants to continue on in the church. Anyway....we have been together awhile now but he has always hesitated to tell his parents because they would not approve. My parents who are also part of the church , know and are supportive of us. He told his parents today and they reacted horribly. They told him I was a bad person, I would only bring him down....etc etc. This upset him a lot. I feel so bad that he has to constantly defend me to everyone. I love him. And I want to be with him. But most of all I don't want to hurt him....and it seems that because of my choice to not pursue a certain religion, I am doing nothing but causing him hurt and sadness. He tells me this is not the case...but I can see it in his eyes that he is hurting and dosen't know what to do either. He says he wants to be with me..but at what cost? Love isin't supposed to cause so much hurt. What do I do? I find me questioning myself...am I good enough? I know im not a bad person. But now it seems like he is questioning our relationship and everything that we have done. I won't go back to the church and join it just because it would make things better. What can I do? I want to be with him...he wants to be with me, But this opposition from his parents is killing him inside. And tho I wouldn't tell him this, its hurting me also. I feel like I should break up with him because that is what would be best for HIM. But at the same time , it would hurt me so much. Any suggestion? Anyone been in this same situation?



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