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Need help on how to expose a cheater...

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So here's the story...I began sort of "dating" a guy that I work with...he called me every other night or so and we've drank beer together several times blah blah blah...so one thing led to another and we ended up sleeping together twice. I had heard through the "grapevine" that he had a girlfriend, so when we first began seeing each other (and before we slept together) I confonted him about it and he told me that he didnt have a girlfriend and whoever told me that "obviously didnt know him very well"...to make a long story short I found out last night at work that my suspicions were true...HE DOES HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!! Just needing advice on how to go about handling the situation. Do I confront him? Do I confront her? Should I want revenge?? HELP!

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You get away from him as fast as possible and wait next time until you truly know a guy inside and out before giving it up.


If you feel vengeful, go for it, or if he didn't use protection with you, let her know for her benefit. Be prepared for negative consequences either way, although if he didn't use protection with you, you could be saving her life.

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ha ha....similar situation here :)


There was this lady (and I use that term VERY losely) who had a boyfriend, that worked with me. She dumped him. He and I sorta went out a couple of times, just lunch dates, and goodbye kisses, nothing serious. Well, said lose-termed-lady found out about us, and started calling him daily, until he went back out with her.


No problem, right? Right :)


Anyhoo, once she got him back, she dumped him again. I had a friend from high school, that he got interested in, and they started dating. Well, said lose-termed-lady started calling daily AGAIN! Ok, it's one thing to do it to me, but don't do it to my friend. He'd sit and talk to her (on the clock) for HOURS at work. I was the one that transferred the calls!


Anyhoo, one night, my friend *his girlfriend* called him at work, and I said, "Do you know that lose-termed-lady is calling your boyfriend every day?" She said, "Yeah, I know, they are just friends." I said, "Well, be careful." and transferred her to him.


The next day, that little rat told my boss on me! I GOT IN TROUBLE!!!! Apparently, my "friend" told her boyfriend, and thought that it was rude of me to interfere. My boss told me that it was none of my business (even though, HELLO, he was taking personal phone calls at work, and wasting my time transferring them) and lose-termed-lady continued to call him daily....although by this time, I hated that slut (and I use that term tightly) and I'd *accidently* hang up on her frequently. She'd leave messages for him, and they'd mysteriously disappear.


Needless to say, my friend stopped being my friend, slut continued to call daily and get under my skin, boyfriend quit speaking to me, and my boss thought I was a nosey meddler.


nuff said...I'll never get involved in such a thing again :mad:

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What you should do depends on your level of energy and how much additional grief you want in your life.


Of course you have already dumped his sorry a$$ right?


If you expose him to his other girlfriend she may react positively or negatively towards you. Your ex may also react negatively towards you.


Think of your safety and peace of mind first.


Chances are that if you found out about her it won't be long before she finds out about his cheating ways or maybe she already knows.


I think she deserves to know but you have to look out for yourself first.

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A lesson to you not to go and just sleep with a guy you barely know, I hope.


If you find out who his g/f is, telling her might NOT help. She might think you are trying to break the two apart and get pissed at YOU. He could be a very good liar and could talk his way out of his girlfriend thing he is is a cheater...


So, what do you do. Tell him to **** off, kick him in his dirty crotch, get tested for AIDS, and move on with your life.

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Dump him and move on! Do not tell his g/f, for the simple fact that most cheaters will eventually be found out. That way she may end up finding out on her on, and then you're free from the situation because you have moved on. Don't get yourself any more involved than you already have been. Best of luck.






What goes around, comes around!

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